Wilted Sunflowers

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Wow uhm trigger warning for idk a disturbing scene if you will. Lots of imaginary stuff, delusions, yeah.

Idk, Basil angst seemed too good to pass on.


"Hero, do you seriously think it's a good idea?", Basil asked unsurely.

"Believe me Basil. I'll clear any misunderstandings between you and Polly.", Hero said brightly, tossing a salad bowl, "Could you stir the sauce?"

"...Sure, but-", Basil took up a spoon and mixed the pot of bright red sauce. It looked a little too spicy for him.

"It's not a misunderstanding, Hero."

"I'll just soften the blow for her. She must've gotten quite a shock.", Hero said.

"..I'm really bad at this, aren't I?", Basil said dejectedly.

"The stirring, or your problem?", Hero said, grabbing the spoon and placing a lid on the pan, "You almost spilled a bit of sauce."

"...What's it for, anyways?"

"Homemade ravioli!", Hero informed, uncovering another bowl full of dough. "I've been wanting to try this out for a while."

"...does it require that much of sauce?"

"Oh, half of this is for the filling, the other is for the topping. We're making it for everyone, aren't we?"

"...It seems like a lot of pasta to stuff, in my opinion.", Basil pointed out.

"Nonsense, Basil. I'm sure if we all pitch in, we can get it done in an hour!"

Easier said than done, though.

Basil and Sunny were put in charge of cutting the dough into its pasta-like shape, since Hero thought Kel and Aubrey would definitely attack each other with the tools.

He figured nothing could go wrong with letting them fill in the pasta. Hero oversaw it all, preparing the dishes.

Basil was unpleasantly reminded that Kel and Aubrey in a kitchen together do not mesh well.

"Kel, that's too much spicy sauce, you idiot, use your head for once!", Aubrey chided.

"Quit your yapping, white woman.", Kel said obnoxiously.

"...What in god's name is that supposed to mean?!"

"Kel, what are you saying?", Hero said, exhausted.

"But...she is white..", Basil indicated.

Everyone stared at him.


"I don't know, it seems too mild for me.", Sunny shrugged, tasting it, "My mom cooks her steamed tofu in much hotter broth."

"Well uh- I guess that's just your Asian blood.", Kel said as a matter-of-factly.

"My mouth is going to literally die today..", Aubrey complained, spooning a bit of filling into the dough.

"Well, more for us, then!", Kel smirked. Aubrey promptly hit him over the head with her elbow.

"Ow-what?!", He yelled out in pain.

"Could you lay off each other for once?!", Hero scolded.

Everyone suppressed a laugh, watching his frustration. Hero didn't approve of this silent giggling.

"What's so funny?", he demanded.

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