Rainy Comfort (+ 100% awkwardness)

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Aubrey and Basil's dynamic is so easy to write this was a breeze to put down here

bisexual basil anyone?

As the rain pattered lightly right outside Basil's window, he lay down, blanket on, finally having gotten the energy to read his book. A hot cup of cocoa sat on his nightstand, half drained while Basil himself was concentrating on what he was reading. 

12:00 AM was the perfect time to read peacefully.

It was a really interesting part at the moment, the main character was getting out of a little clutch he'd fallen into with his best friend, and they were just about to reveal what could be a plot twist or an expected turn.

"C'mon..it has to be that, his friend can't betray him-.", Basil said desperately. He was just turning to the next page when he thought he heard someone knock on his door.

He looked up for a moment, listening intently. After a moment's silence, he heard it again. The plant-boy sighed and tried to squint out his window to try to see who it was.

The rain and the lack of light made it hard to see who it was, but there was definitely a person there.

"Can I not read in peace for once..?", Basil said, a bit annoyed he had to open the door the second time that week. As he went down (again, carefully) he wondered if Kel had shown up again.

Well, he had to be there for him. The least he could do was that.

He opened the door to find not Kel, but the last person he'd expect. Well, not really, but maybe the third to last person he expected.

Aubrey stood there in her all her bubblegum pink glory, and she was a bit soaked from the rain, looking even more dishevelled than earlier.

Basil stood there for a moment, dumbfounded and tongue-tied. At last he asked incredulously (and also stupidly), "Uh- Aubrey? I-Is that... you?"

"No, it's Sunny's right eye. OF COURSE its me!", she said sarcastically. Then, she drooped her head a bit and asked more quietly, "Could I come in..?"

"Sunny's right eye???"

"You heard me."

"Uhhh...Sure I guess..? I'll uh- you know- get a towel-", Basil said unsurely and dashed off to fetch a towel from the bathroom. 

What was Aubrey of all people doing here? Didn't she say they weren't friends anymore?

Basil rushed back with a particularly fluffy towel, and, without thinking it through, draped it on Aubrey and started ruffling her hair.

"AGH- Basil- I can dry by myself-!", she cried out, muffled by the thick cloth.

"Oh." The blond boy turned distinctively pink with embarassment, as he realized what he was doing. He promptly took his hands off of Aubrey and let her do the drying. "Sorry."

"Psh, whatever."

That was the nicest thing she'd said to him that week.

After Aubrey had dried off (by herself of course) she sank into the couch, exhausted. Basil didn't know what to think of in this situation. Should he ask why? Would that be too rude? Was she here because of today's fight with Kel? Why were her knuckles so beaten up and bloodied?

"In case you're wondering, my mom locked me out again. I'd go to Kim's house, but she's out with her family visiting someone. Mikhael's house is a bit too...weird, as so all the others. I didn't have an option."

Okay, so, he was like a last-resort type of thing. It stung Basil's heart a bit, but at least she even considered him.

"Oh. Right. That's...fine.", he said unsurely.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now