Forgiveness is the Key

620 15 70

If someone makes a sunflower joke I swear to god


Why had he done it?

Basil sat in his bedroom, trying to find reason in what just happened.

It was like...fear had taken over him. Pure, unadulterated fear and paranoia. He almost couldn't believe that Hero had made him act that way.

It was simply too much at the time to handle, but looking back, he found it super embarassing.

Poor Kel. He must've been so confused about it all. Basil could only hope they weren't fighting over it. He wouldn't want to be the reason for another argument.

A frantic knock at his bedroom door snapped him out of his thoughts. Basil guessed it was Polly, and felt bad about pushing her off as he sprinted to his bedroom earlier.

"C-come in!!", Basil called out.

In came a very worried Polly, who was almost immediately doting on him, like a mother would to her own child.

"Basil!", she cried out, immediate sitting down and checking for any bruises or wounds, "Is everything alright? You didn't seem okay at all earlier! Did Aubrey and her gang bully you again?", Polly asked worriedly, cupping his cheek, "Did something happen at Kel's? You can tell me anything, sweet."

"A- I'm sorry Polly! I'm sorry for making you worry! Just a little... something happened. No biggie.", Basil consoled, hugging her.

"What happened dearie? Please do tell me unless you're not comfortable. I want to help as much as I can- thank god you didn't lock the door this time-.", Polly ranted.

"'s okay. It's really okay,",Basil pat her back, trying to calm her down. He should've been receiving comfort..but strangely, Polly's presence alone made him feel a whole lot better.

"I- I promise, I'll tell you everything later, Polly. It's just that I got a bit...shocked at something, but really, I feel better."

"Oh well...", Polly trailed off, unsure, "Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you or anything-."

"No, I'm sure.", Basil reassured, "I'm glad you're with me, Polly."

"Oh's just that..I want to look out for you.", Polly said, ruffling his hair.

"Thank you.."

Basil had one last hug, before Polly got up, looking more cheerful.

"Now that's all sorted out, why don't we have some lunch? I made some soup, and some pudding too, though I was saving that for later..."

"Pudding??? What kind?"

"Strawberry, and no, you can't have it now.", Polly poked him playfully, "That's for after your therapy session. It can get pretty overwhelming, as someone who's been there several times, so I made it for that reason."

"Oh, thanks Polly. I'll be down in a minute!"

"See you there."

Basil watched his door close, and slowly got up too.

Polly really was an angel sometimes. It vaguely reminded him of his own mother, before he was left with his grandmother, and the few times she visited.

She had a wonderful smile, and such kind eyes too.

Basil never minded the fact his parents weren't there for him much. He'd gotten over that when he was little, since his grandmother loved him all the same, and he still saw them once or twice a year. He didn't like talking about it openly, but he always set aside a day for just spending time with his parents.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now