Her Love.

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I listened to Thrifted Tchoksnsvgejsinwdubxeus while writing this lol

Sunny it's been so long since you called please respond

"Are you..sure that Sunny called??"

"Positive! Just go through your history, it'll say that Sunny called at like- 12 at night."

Basil and Kel were sitting at the dining table, their bread and bacon untouched. They were huddled together, looking at the stream of unseen texts Kel had sent from last night to Sunny. Polly was busy at the stove making them eggs, sunny side up. (Haha, Sunny)

At first the texts sounded nice and polite, but soon they'd become increasingly more deranged-like and worrisome. (Courtesy of Kel of course)

Kel hadn't slept at all last night after that.

Basil didn't like the fact that Kel hadn't woken him up when it happened, though he didn't say anything about it. He was afraid he'd put Kel in a worse state than now.

"Kel...I'm sure he'll come around-"

"Y-you don't understand!! Sun-Sunny didn't want to talk to m-me-", Kel panicked.

"Kel.", Basil said firmly, picking up a fork. "He does. Not. Hate you. We've all been through a lot, okay? And what you're doing here is rushing everyone to heal. You can't do that."

Kel reluctantly picked up his fork and poked at his warm bacon, pouting.

Basil sighed and continued, "I know you want everything to go back to normal. I do too, but seriously...you need to give it a rest. Let them heal. Think things over. I'm positive they'll come back."

"I know I'm too pushy but-"

"Sunny will call again if things get too bad. We'll go visit on the weekend if possible, too. We just need to give him time. Now, our breakfast is getting cold, and I'm pretty hungry."


The next few minutes were filled with uninterrupted silence except for the scraping of plates against cutlery, and occasional chewing noises (Kel's fault). A telephone rang just as Basil finished the egg Polly gave them,and she rushed to get them. The could hear her conversation from the dining room.

Kel finished his breakfast and got up to keep it in the sink. Polly suddenly came in and sighed.

"Your mother wants you back home, Kel."

Kel froze.

"B-Back home..?"

"Basil told me what happened last night at your place. It's fine if you stay here or go home, I have no problem with either. But you must tell your mother about your decision."

Kel thought about it and started washing his plate.

He didn't want to go back home. He knew Hero would constantly apologize and give him attention after last night. And to be fair, Kel wasn't ready to forgive him yet.

Or was he?

He loved Hero. They were brothers, of course! But still....

He wasn't ready to forgive Hero, just yet. Last night's incident was still painfully fresh in his mind.


"I don't know, Polly....", Kel said, unsure of his decision. "I have no problem going home, but...".

"Hero?", Polly finished.

"Y-yeah. I don't know... something about yesterday...I feel.... terrified.".

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now