A Sister, A Friend and Dearly Beloved

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"What should I say to her, Kel?"

Sunny asked, clutching on to the sleeve of his hoodie.

Together, they lagged a little behind the group, because Sunny was still figuring out what to say to Mari, with Kel being his emotional support.

"Let the words just...come out, you know? You're good at that! Think about what your heart feels, and say it however. We won't judge it at all.", Kel smiled.

"It's just...it's the first time I'm full-on confronting her. It's kind of.."


Sunny nodded, "Yeah. I didn't properly process everything last time, you know? This is my first time."

"Sunshine...", Kel held onto his hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze, "You can do it. I'll be there with you all the way."

Sunny looked into Kel's bright beaming eyes, flushing at the sight of it.

So pretty.

"Okay.", He simply said, leaning into his shoulder.

"Mhm. That's the spirit! You and Basil have a lot to say, so you could get his help.'

"...Speaking of Basil, where is he?"

Kel looked around, seeing Aubrey stroll along the path, hands in pocket with Hero walking casually beside her.

Strange. Basil would usually tag along with Aubrey, or with them. Where was he?

He looked over his shoulder to find Basil lagging a few feet behind them, his face screwed up in thought.

"Oh, there he is!", Kel said.

"...Why is he back there?", Sunny asked.

Kel shrugged, "I don't know. Did we do anything?"

"Why don't you ask?"

"...Why me?", Kel asked.

Sunny hung his head, "I just don't know what Basil thinks of me after all that happened."

"Aw, Sunshine.", Kel patted his shoulder, "I'm sure it wasn't that ba-"

"He said a bunch of stuff, that I abandoned him, Polly did the same and I was here just to do it all over again."

"O-oh-", Kel sucked in his teeth, "Yikes."

"He thought I was an illusion."

"Double yikes."

"He tried to punch me out of existence and almost broke his hand in the process."

"Yikes forever."

"So you can see-", Sunny said shrugging, "It actually is that bad."

"You still gotta talk to him eventually, though. You immediately talked to him after you woke up when you got your eye taken out!"

"I slept on it."

"Must've been pretty peaceful then."

Images of a bloody Omori wielding a knife flashed across his eyes, Mari turning into a hellish version of herself while crawling out her coffin and Basil initiating his truth sequence while a soft theme played in the background.

"Yup.", Sunny nodded, trying to rid his brain of those times, "Very peaceful."

"If you need help talking, you can ask me! I don't mind."

Sunny smiled, blood coloring his cheeks, "Thanks Kel, but I'm not sure-"

"Ah, don't worry about it! I know what to say! Just tell me when you want to!"

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