Reconciliation and a Plan (yay!)

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"Kel, I-"

"Whatever you have to say, I'm not interested.", Kel said flatly.

"But- I know you're mad at me-"

"Yeah, I am. Doesn't change anything, Aubrey."

"Oh come on, Kel!", She said desperately, "Why is it so different this time?? We fight all the time, why are you acting like this?"

Kel only let out an exhale and glared pointedly, "The exact reason Basil yelled at you right now."

"Kel...", Aubrey said, touching his shoulder ever so slightly, "What do I need to do to make it up to you?"

Kel didn't say anything, stubbornly shrugging her hand off him.

Aubrey curled into a ball, feeling hopeless. She was a horrible person right now, Mari would be so disappointed in her right now..

So much for asking Mari for some of those otherworldly powers. Aubrey was sure she was never gonna figure a way out of this.

Maybe she'd have to just push on through. She couldn't leave him hanging like this. With or without divine intervention, Kel was still her best friend.

And she really, really wanted him back.

"You said you had a crush on Sunny, didn't you?"

Kel had no reply, facing the opposite direction.

"As a kid, I thought Sunny was the one liking you. To me, it always seemed that way."

She waited for a response, but nothing.

"If I go apologise to Basil...would you talk to me? I would help you get with Sunny too. I know he'll respond to your help. We just need to... figure out something."

She was trying so hard not to break down into an embarassing mess of tears. That would ruin the whole image.

"You're missing the point, Aubrey."

Aubrey looked up to see Kel close to breaking down again, "Its not the fact that you'll apologize to Sunny and Basil for everything. It's that always you keep doing the same shit over and over, regardless of your apologies."

"I-I know that, have to give me another chance, please-"

"We did.", Kel said coldly, "You almost killed Basil. Maybe it was just my positivity, or my high hopes in you, but I forgave you. Now I'm having second thoughts-"

"Wait, wait!!", Aubrey clung onto Kel's jersey sleeve in panic, "Please, please give me another chance! I won't mess it up, please, Kel!"

"Could you no-?!", Kel pulled himself free of her, "Convince me, Aubrey. Give me a reason why I should let it go."

"Well, I-", Aubrey spluttered, "I- well- I- You could- uhh-"

"See? You don't have an answer! How am I supposed to trust you?!"

"Please.", She said, desperate to get her friend back, "Please, Kel.."


"I swear, I won't mess it up!", she clung to him, "Please, Kel, I can't lose my friends like this again! I can't lose you so easily! I promise I care for all of you, and I'll try my best, please, please!"

Kel didn't push her off this time, whether it was because of surprise or he just felt bad, she didn't know.

"Listen, Aubrey-", he started.

"Please, please, Kel-", she cried out, "I just want us to be friends again! I'll try my best, just please-"

"Alright, alright, I get it-", Kel said, a little softer this time, placing a hand on her head.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now