All I Remember is your beautiful Face.

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TW: self harm topics!! Please turn back if you get triggered by these!!


Sunny hated school.

He would never understand why people had invented the atrocity that is summer school.

It should be illegal, what the hell.

For the past four years, he'd completely missed out on everything, so his education wasn't doing too good. His mom had already explained his situation, and the school had promised to help him catch up.

Sunny, on the contrary did not want special attention. Especially at his new school. New school meant new kids, and that meant new bullies. For now, there were only kids who'd failed the semester, so it wasn't that bad yet.

Some girls did give him a stare, which made
him a bit uneasy.

Besides, he could catch up. I mean, how hard could school get? He did pretty decent before.

He abandoned that thought as soon as he saw his new maths text book.

What the fuck is a derivative and why does this matter??

As usual, he'd been asked to introduce himself (which was on his list of "Things to avoid"), but sadly he'd been forced to give a brief description of himself. The huge thug-looking kids had only thrown paper balls at him in response.

Somehow he'd fortunately managed to sound as boring as possible, so that everyone generally avoided him.

Mission accomplished.

His teachers were pretty decent, though, so that was fine.

Right now, he was at his desk, attempting to finish his stupid trigonometry homework, scratching his head in frustration, after crossing out his working for the fifteenth time.

He was pretty sure that the length of a triangle didn't appear as a negative integer, or else as a [MATH ERROR!].

Stupid maths and its unholy love for letters.

It was ridiculous how bullies associated his Asian looks with being a maths geek while he couldn't even solve basic algebra. Ugh.

He couldn't figure out how Mari could've worked this out. A shame she wasn't there to help him.

Sunny looked at the missed call from Basil on his phone. He'd  called while he was out with his mother, shopping. Now Sunny was debating whether to call him back or just ignore it.

On one hand, Basil would be really happy. But Sunny also felt like he'd be burdening his friend, if he called him right now. I mean, what if he was busy right now? Sunny didn't want to bother him.

He kept his phone down, and went back to his trigonometry problem again.

He picked up his calculator and tried to run the equation through it , and it showed him the [MATH ERROR!] again.

So Sunny ripped the page out and tossed it into the wastepaper basket. He'd just explain to his teacher that he'd tried his best.

His mother was making a good dinner, after what seemed like forever. Maybe it'd do him good to just eat it.

He  slid out of his chair, and crumpled on the floor, contemplating life.

What was life's purpose...?


Ah. Cue the usual dinner call.  Except this time Sunny would be actually eating for once, just to quiet his mother down.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now