Aubrey's Reminiscing.

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This was an actual screenshot I took lmao

Apologies for the sudden chapter spam recently, I'm just way too bored these days.

Anyways yeah I'm getting to my favourite parts and I wanna write it all down lmao


Maybe Aubrey should talk to someone.

She was going a little crazy recently. She didn't know what to do with her own life anymore.

After her visit to Basil's (and getting out there first thing in the morning before they woke up), she'd expected weight to be lifted off her conscience.

Her knuckles felt a lot better at least. Basil had really outdone himself with that.

But when it came to her inner conflict, oh no, it had only gotten worse.

But why?!

Was it because she hadn't contacted Sunny yet? Aubrey was in no mood to do that so soon, but that made her feel terribly guilty.

It was like she couldn't do anything but feel guilty over everything she's doing right now.

She felt really, really bad about calling Kel all those names last week, but what could she do?

It wasn't like she was the type to approach someone softly and all that. She couldn't imagine herself doing that.

But still! She'd asked for forgiveness, and he hadn't accepted, so whose fault was that?!

Aubrey sighed, brushing the hair out of her face.

Its definitely mine. I was the one treating Basil like shit.

But Basil had forgiven her and all that, so what was her problem? She shouldn't bother about the other dummy. Kel was always such an idiot in her eyes.

But even through all that, she still cares for him. She wouldn't show it, but Kel's angry words had really hurt her.

He really did seem genuinely pissed off at her this time.

Aubrey could feel her heart twinge with remorse. Maybe she'd gone a bit too far this time.

What was that that Hero had said?

"Hehe...oh you two...that just means you're really comfortable around each other. Heck, I get jealous sometimes after seeing how candid you both are after years!"

Aubrey didn't really get what Hero said. She'd never realised it before either. Did friends really fight so much all the time?

Well, this was definitely the last time she was fighting with Kel.

She still knew it was primarily her fault.

Even so, she refused to apologise, again. Her ego was way too big to do so, and she was a little afraid to see him in that state again.

"Ugh, fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything that's happened these two weeks, fuck it ALL!", she screamed in anguish.

She wanted to throw her bat at someone, beat them up senseless just to vent her frustration and anger at what was going on.

"Got my old friends together, and WHAM!", Aubrey kicked her rabbit plushie into a corner, pacing angrily, "EVERYTHING falls to pieces. EVERYTHING! Honestly, I wish that this wasn't the truth!"

Aubrey looked at her bunny, Bun Bun, and pretended like he was listening. In reality, he was just chewing on carrot, looking derpy.

"Like, I was this close to accepting, well yeah, maybe Mari hung herself, and maybe we'll never know why, and that was gonna be fine by me, bUt NO!", she punched the wall, "Her brother KILLED her. Worse, this son of a bitch Basil had hung her to cause all this unnecessary anguish and hurt, like come on, Bun Bun, what the fuck is that logic?!"

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now