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Sunny woke, on a mattress on the floor of a familiar bedroom.

Oh. Wasn't he supposed to be in his hotel bed?

What was he doing here?

The posters of comics, the messy and neat sides of the room...oh wait! He was in Kel's bedroom!

Then, in a flash, everything came back to him. The small nap he'd taken, Hero telling him he'd be spending the night with them, and he'd already informed his mother about it.

One thing about staying over at Kel's was that his mother always made him eat more than he wanted.

Maybe because she worried over his appearance, but Sunny still felt sick to his stomach, having eaten more than he could.

He turned to Kel's bed, expecting to find him there, was empty.

Startled, he shot out of bed, looking around frantically. Hero was still fast asleep, as still as a rock. Where had he gone??

Sunny threw off the sheets and slowly got up, careful not to make any noise. He tip toed delicately on the rackety floorboards, in case any one of them was inconveniently loose. He didn't want that to happen.

Stepping out of the room, and cautiously closing the door, he looked around for a bit, listening intently.

Where would he suddenly disappear to? It wasn't like Kel, at least for as long as he could remember.

Did Kel do that nowadays? He had some catching up to do with his friends...

He knocked on the bathroom, after listening intently. No response.

Maybe he was downstairs.

He held fast to the railing, watching every step he took as he climbed down those godforsaken stairs. The fear of falling down them would always stick to him, no matter what.

Focus Sunny. No need to dwell on that.

He walked down from the bottom step and tried listening again. He carefully watched every shadow from the corner of his eye.

Hmm. Quiet.

Wait...he could hear something faint.

A really weird sound, seemed to be coming from the living room.

Overwhelmed with curiosity, he peeked his head through the entrance of the room, and found...nothing.

But the sounds were louder now, and Sunny could recognise them now.

Who would be crying over here at...1 AM?

The sound seemed to condense around the sofa, as Sunny made his way closer to it. He glanced at the cushions from behind the sofa.

He found none other than Kel, lying down, looking depressed.

"Kel?", Sunny said, almost inaudibly.

"Hu-?", Kel said, then caught sight of him, "SUNNY!!"

He promptly fell off the couch again, and stared as Sunny leaned over him, struggling to hold on his laughter.

Though, Sunny noticed, there were visible tear streaks on his face. Two pearly drops on his cheeks glistened like diamonds in the dim moonlight.

"You fall a lot, don't you?", he said, almost nonchalantly.

"Well- uh! No- it's not like that- I was just uh-", Kel stuttered, struggling to get up.

"Here.", Sunny pulled him up, "Can you talk properly now?"

Kel turned a shade darker, as he looked into Sunny's pale face.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now