I Can't Stop Thinking About You..

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SO CHAPTER SPOILER THERES SOME DECENT SUNTAN because i wanted to write sum lol
have fun reading
ok maybe there's a teeeensy bit of angst but who cares lmao


After that very confusing conversation with Basil, Sunny didn't know why he'd been asked such a weird question. Was it because he'd cut the call with Kel yesterday? 

To be fair, he had completely panicked. Yes, he wouldn't have told him anyways, but under less severe circumstances, he would've tried to act like everything was fine.

As for keeping Kel out of this...well, he had his reasons.

He just didn't want to hurt anyone else again, just like how he'd dragged in Basil into this whole mess. The responsibility was his only. No one else was getting involved with his issues again.

Though....what has Kel been doing? Was he okay? Did he really make him worry? He'd have to convince him that nothing major had happened..

Ugh, this was so complicated..

Sunny had started having a crush on Kel after he'd stopped going outside, maybe when he was 13? 14? The thought of his bubbly personality and his spontaneous weird side created a weird feeling in his stomach and made him want to giggle like an idiot.

Back then, he'd been too depressed to care, but now...

The feelings had grown stronger.

 When he'd seen Kel after opening the door, on the inside his stomach had done a weird turn, and his face had grown hotter. He couldn't believe it, but Kel...wow. His smile was so contagious that if Sunny hadn't been feeling so numb, he would've giggled childishly. His physique and the fact that he'd grown so much taller than him made him blush and fall in love even more. Even the thought of him now made him smile into his pillow and laugh stupidly.

It was true Sunny had a crush on Aubrey too, but that had faded out completely after seeing Aubrey so different. That pink hair and blue contacts...he didn't hate it but Aubrey didn't look as cute as she had 5 years ago.

He then remembered the dream about a bunch of Aubrey's fighting over him...or rather Omori. God, that was embarassing. 

Sunny face-planted into his pillow, groaning internally.

Maybe his crush on Kel had also lead Omori to make Dreamworld Kel so touchy. 

All these emotions made him want to see Kel again so badly. He wanted to see how he was doing, maybe make sure he was still happy and positive, like Sunny liked.

Maybe bring Basil too. He wouldn't tell him just yet, but to make sure things didn't get awkward and tense, he'd ask him too.

But seriously, was this a good idea? What about his injuries? Sunny didn't think they'd heal anytime soon, and Kel was not getting involved, never.

Maybe he'd cover them up, with that sweater from when he was a kid.

Part of him was screaming NO DON'T DO IT!!, while the other part was itching to see him and maybe just feel a bit of happiness and butterflies around him, to forget his growing guilt for just a short while.

Surely, even someone like Sunny deserved a bit of happiness for a day or so.

And even though Kel didn't deserve a screw-up like him, or the fact that he might never look his way, Sunny just wanted to see him, possibly for the last time.

He hadn't thought this at first, but after spiraling down his thoughts since last night, he'd decided that it wasn't worth it waiting for his friends to come back, because he'd lost hope that they would. Basil's new enthusiasm hadn't convinced him at all, but he'd played along so he wouldn't disappoint him.

His vision started to blur and his thoughts started to lead to more rash decisions...

Maybe he wanted to give Basil that hope, to say sorry for getting him involved in all this in the first place, so that at least he would be happy.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now