"My Dear Sunny...."

815 20 306

*gives tissues* you'll need em.

Also it's a bit long I'm sorry bout that (i promise you'll enjoy it)


The room wasn't that messy in Sunny's standards.

The bed was neat, the pillows were all in the right place, his cupboard was all tidy, and the floor swept.

But anxiety didn't stop him from stressing out. Last time Kel and Hero had been in his house, he'd been half-immersed in his own world. He couldn't even remember the finer details of their visit.

His house probably had grainy dust and dirt all over the place, as he hadn't swept that day.

Besides, this is the first time that Kel and Basil were visiting his new home! He needed to do something, and make a good impression.

But Kel was a messy person, and Basil didn't really care about those things either, so, why even bother?

He picked up a first-aid kit from his bed, then opened his drawer and stashed it deep into the very back of it.

Noone had to find out about that. Hopefully Basil wouldn't bring it up either.

His wounds were also clearly visible, so he had to get out a turtleneck from the wardrobe he knew his mom bought him, what- a month ago? Two months?

Didn't matter. It was perfect, and it fit around Sunny's small frame. He tried experimenting with his hair, then gave up, realising he looked like an idiot doing so.

His bad eye looked quite dull, having clouded over from the scar, but he didn't mind. He'd put on an eye patch if they went out.

Love could really do something to him, couldn't it? He tried to look at his reflection in the mirror without bias, and failed to do so.

This was the first time he'd cared about it. Annoying thing, it was.

Ten o'clock. They should be here any moment.

His mother had left an hour ago to attend a job interview.

If Sunny was lucky, she'd be distracted enough by sales to return in the evening.

Five minutes past ten.

Sunny lay down on the bed, legs hanging out from the side.

Why weren't they here?

They wouldn't bail on him, right?

Focus Sunny. They're your friends. They'd never do that.

But would they? After hearing the truth?

But Kel and Basil still talked to him! They had to.

Sunny kicked his legs against the bedframe.

Even if they didn't...

Ten minutes past ten.

And a knock.

Was that..?

"Hey Sunny! You there, buddy?", Kel's muffled voice could be heard.

Sunny's heart jumped in excitement. He rushed out of his room and opened the door, to find his two friends standing there.

Basil had on a green T-shirt, with a large flower symbol on it, while Kel had tied his hair up into a ponytail and donned an orange hoodie. They seemed to be holding a large bag of something.

"SUNNY!", Kel yelled excitedly, and scooped him up in a big warm hug, lifting him off his feet.

"Oh, Sun-Sun! I missed you so much, even though it's only been a week or something, but who cares? I'm so glad, buddy!", he cried out.

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