Disappointment Takes Us By Surprise

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Even though by now I think I should have realised...🎵🎶.


"Ma...wait- please, I don't want to- let me stay at home-!"

His mother looked at him with confusion and anger. She only pulled on his hand harder and forced a cheerful tone.

"I can't understand for the life of me why you're being so adamant about this! I'm doing this for you!"

Sunny tugged back reluctantly, his eye patch slipping off his bad eye, "Ma, please please, I- I don't want to see them-"

"Oh for goodness sake, Sunny, you can't stay like this forever! You're not a child anymore! Get over it and cooperate with me for once!"

She dragged him out the door and swiftly locked it, so Sunny headbutted himself against the door as he tried to escape.


In a daze, his mother now easily steered him towards the elevator, where he would now have to go along with whatever she said.

"It's a good thing we don't have to go down the stairs, anymore, right Sunny?"

Sunny didn't say anything.

As they got down from the elevator, his mother had to make a sudden detour to phone someone urgently.

He couldn't exactly run away now, could he? And even if he wanted to, his guilt weighed him down, along with Omori's warning.

"Four days, Sunny. You have four days to reconnect with your friends."

Sunny hadn't had a good sleep after that. Omori had stayed in his head figuratively all night.

The absence of Headspace seemed to be taking a toll on his mental state. He didn't know if he could sleep through four more days staring at a black void that seemed to judge him.

Omori wasn't kidding about the time limit.

His mother also seemed oddly persistent today. Huh, usually he would persuade her before by begging and pleading, but that didn't work today.

Something was off...

After cheerfully chatting and hanging up the phone, she firmly grabbed him with a seemingly sweet smile, and led him to the car.

"Now, dearie,", she said, putting her seatbelt on, "We're going to stay at a hotel nearby, but I don't mind if you go to Kel's or anyone else's place, though I feel safe if you didn't stay with Basil...", she said the last part quietly.

Sunny nodded vaguely, looking out the window.

"And Sunny, I might have to pick up some things. I'll drop you near the park, would that be okay?"

What? The park? Why there out of all the places that existed?

"W-why the park?", Sunny asked unsurely.

"Dear, don't argue, and listen to what I say, okay? Stay there till mommy comes back, okay?"

Sunny only picked at his hoodie strings, pulling them in anxiety. He then looked at his covered arms, and his mother, who was driving out of the apartment parking.

He couldn't believe this all started because of her.


"Alright, guys, are we ready to go?", Hero called from the driver's seat.

"Ready when you are, big bro!", Kel replied enthusiastically.

"Sure, Hero, let's just get on with this..", Aubrey added.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now