Basil's trying his best here, guys

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Basil was full after Polly's lovely pasta. It was a lovely night, and he was laying down comfortably with a nice book. Only his night lamp was on, and his window wasn't closed yet, so you could see the moon shining brightly outside.

Though he was holding a book, he didn't seem to be concentrating on it. His mind was somewhere else.

Polly had commented on how calm he'd looked after what seemed like forever, and she was so relieved.

"I don't know. It feels like a huge burden has been taken off my shoulders." ,He'd replied.

"That's lovely dear. If you want, I can set you up for therapy sessions, though you've rejected them multiple times..."

"Oh, I'm fine with that now. If that's not too much trouble."

"Of course not, Basil, you're still a child. You need all the support you can get.", Polly had reassured.

Sometimes it seemed like Polly was more of a parent to him rather than his own parents.

His mind drifted off to Kel again..

Was Kel okay? He'd given off hints that he might try to convince Hero next, and in Basils opinion, again, that was a bad idea.

Though Kel had always been such a happy-go-lucky person, it was obvious that he had not been doing well the past few days. He'd been reduced to a shell of what he once was. He'd looked so desperate to bring everyone back to normal again, and so far, not working well.

Meanwhile with Aubrey, Basil had been considerably shaken up from his encounter with her, but he understood what she was going through. She was so, so angry.

Basil would've gotten beaten up anyways sooner or later, so he didn't really have any hard feelings towards her.

He deserved it.

Sunny didn't pick up when he'd tried to call right after dinner, the call had just gone straight to voicemail.

Maybe he was busy?

Did he not want to talk to Basil anymore?

Did Sunny hate him after all that has happened??

What was he going to do if Sunny-!?

Basil's mind started racing and spiraling downwards.

Deep breaths, Basil...

He tried to calm himself, breathing deeply and trying to focus on something else, like Polly taught him.

"Okay's okay. Sunny needs time. Just like everyone else. You got this."

He tried focusing on the page again. The book was about someone struggling to move on after a huge accident. It's no coincidence Basil had picked this one specifically from the library.

"This character is just like me, for real.."

It was a great book but at the moment Basil wasn't in the mood.

He marked the page and tossed it on the side of his bed, then checked the time.

10: 30 PM.

Maybe he'd hang out with Kel tomorrow, see how he's doing.

He was tired anyways. He should probably-

Knock knock

"Huh??" Basil sat up quickly.

Did someone knock?
At this time?

Knock knock knock kno-

There it was again. Who could it be?

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now