Hero makes use of his college degree

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I was bored so UHHHHHHH new chapter

I'm treating y'all so be grateful and hand me some sacrifi- I mean cupcakes. Cupcakes.


He couldn't understand.

Hero didn't know why his brother had locked himself in the room since coming home from Sunny's two days ago.

Even Sally was questioning it all. She was pining for him, since he was the silly brother of the the two.

He'd tried asking his mother about it, but she only gave a shrug and told him she'd ask about it later.

Ugh. The favouritism sometimes was infuriating.

The only thing Hero could do for now was pace around the room, sit down every once in a while and get up again to pace around.

"Hero, I'm sure Kel would be fine.", His father said from the couch absentmindedly.

"Dad, you don't get it, he's never like this! Something must've happened!", Hero retaliated.

"He would've told us, Hero.", his mom piped in, bringing in a cup of ginger tea, "Here, sit down and have some nice te-."

"I don't think that's what you said when I was in bed now, did you?", Hero said, with a dangerous edge to his voice.

"W-Well, it's not like that, but- but this is Kel we're talking about. He should be fine-"

"Fine? Fine? This is exactly what I did! How could you have a different approach? How could you not care about your own son?!", Hero asked furiously.

"Henry!", his father said sharply, "This is no way to talk to your mother!"

"But don't you see? This is what happened when me and Kel had a fight the last two times! You completely ignored him! Even if I was crying, one of you could've comforted him, right?!"


"I'm going up, just to check on him. Both of you ought to pay a little more attention to him.", Hero said waspishly, before leaving the room.

He couldn't believe the nerve of his parents. Neglecting his brother like that, when would they learn? He had to have a little talk with them, along with Kel about this problem soon.

But for now, Kel mattered. He had to try and get something out.

He knocked on Kel's door, try to let him know that he was coming in.

"Hey Kel. I know you're not having a good time and..and I'm worried. I hate seeing you like this so...I'm coming in to ask you about this."

No response, though Hero knew that Kel was listening. He creaked open the door and found his brother huddled on his bed.

"Kel..?", Hero gently called out.

Kel, again, has no response, but only shifted his position.

"Kel.", Hero said, sitting down next to him, and placing a hand on his arm, "I'm worried."

Silence. Hero watched the silent tears fall down Kel's face. It hurt to see him like this.

"Tell me what happened. I promise I won't judge. I don't care if Sunny did something, but I need to know what happened", Hero held his arms and tried to make him get up, "Please, please, I'll do anything."

Kel reluctantly got up, refusing to make eye contact with Hero. He sat, hunched over.

"Kel," Hero continued soothingly, "You can tell me anything. Take your time, I'm here for you.."

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now