Top Priority

476 9 90

I started watching Neon Genesis Evangelion (Sunny is basically Shinji and Aubrey is Asuka and ugh I love it)
It was a shame a lovely day was ruined by the mere presence of his mental state.

Kel lay down under a tree near the lake, and the morning sunlight almost blinded him.

He sighed. It was the same way he'd found Basil after the truth came out two weeks ago, although it feels like it's been forever.

Yesterday was a wreck. After Sunny had run off, he'd refused to accept what had happened. Despite Hero trying to snap him out of it, he'd tried to brush it off with a smile.

It was okay. Everything would be okay. Sunny was just having a hard time. If Kel didn't understand, who would?

Sunny suffered more than him. He was probably going through hell right now, and Kel hated that.

It made tears prick his eyes as he thought about it. He couldn't do anything about it, either.

Crying felt like a crime now.

He rolled to the side, trying to clear his mind. Closing his eyes, he tried to remain positive. He couldn't lose hope now, could he?

He felt the grass rustle beside him, but Kel thought nothing of it.

Probably an animal, or something.

Maybe that's why he had a mini heart attack when Aubrey's voice had come out of nowhere.

"Didn't expect you to be here."

Kel turned over to look at her, hugging her legs defensively.

"What are you doing here?"

"Same thing as you, I guess. Just thinking. Stuffs been complicated.", Aubrey shrugged.

"If you're here to gloat, get it over with already.", Kel said, annoyed, and turned away from her again.

A hard slap made him cry out in pain, and he bounced up.

"What the hell was that for?!", Kel asked angrily, rubbing his back.

"Come to gloat?! What's wrong with you?", Aubrey shouted indignantly.

"Isn't that what you usually do, dumbass?"

"Could you stop?! I didn't do shit, don't take your baggage out on me!"

Aubrey looked murderous, and Kel sighed in irritation. Even though he was annoyed, his conscience pricked at him. He couldn't behave like this, it wasn't fair for Aubrey.

"...sorry.", Kel whispered.

"God, you're insufferable. I get that Sunny did that to you yesterday, but you can't do shit to me for that!", Aubrey complained.

"I said I'm sorry!"

"Whatever. Apology accepted."

A tense silence, as Kel looked away and found a profound interest in the shape of the leaves and trees. Aubrey cleared her throat to get his attention again.

"I wanted to ask. How's... everything? What happened yesterday.. couldn't have been easy for you."

Kel buried half his face in his arms, "I don't know. I'm not sure, but...I- I can't find the words to describe what's with me right now."

"Ohhh..", Aubrey reminisced, "I get it."

"Yeah right. Sure you do.", Kel retaliated.

"Not about Sunny! I don't know what's going on in your head, and I'm not good either with this cheesy comforting stuff like Basil is. I'm talking about like, whatever you said about not finding the words to explain."

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now