i swear this is the last part

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Ok spoilers if u haven't finished the book.

lots of things got changed when i was writing this so i thought i might just write it all down bc why not

im sorry for blowing up ur notifs :(

chapter 15

~ Basil's parents actually came over and idk they're okay??? aside from the fact they abandoned basil >:(

scrapped bc what the hell was i gonna do with this

Chapter 23

Supposed to be right after Sunny ran off, and Kel has a mental breakdown. I really hated how it turned out so i scrapped it for filler.

but seeing the revision history, what i wrote was actually pretty fire idk why i didn't like it

Alternate plot that changed at the last moment.

~Was supposed to be a multiple ending book in the lake confrontation. One of the endings would be where Sunny died and its just angst from then onward. The other one was Kel saving Sunny like what happened and then they kissed, end of book.

~ Mari's epilogue chapter never existed.

~ Aubrey and Kel never forgave each other until Sunny came back. I had this idea Sunny and Aubrey would argue at the lake and she'd be the one to push him in (I didn't like it because Aubrey does not deserve that kind of guilt, esp in the ending where Sunny died)

~ also in the ending where Sunny died the group would split forever, Basil and Kel together, Aubrey alone and Hero to be guilty over what happened.

Was super tempted to end it this way but it felt super cliche, and a lazy way to end it.

Chapter 32 alters

Mari was supposed to appear in their dreams but man that was a bit unnecessary. They'd be too sad and go back to square one, especially hero.

She was supposed to take form of an egret orchid idk why i didn't write that it sounds so fire >:(

additional trivia

~ chapter 26-31 were never supposed to exist. But basil trauma is just so GOOD. haven't seen it explored at all other than those sunflower books.

~ was originally supposed to be a chat fic of some sorts but I couldnt fit any of it in, like Kel making a groupchat with all of his friends, Aubrey and Hero leaving the group initially after an argument and Sunny feeling IMMENSELY guilty.

scrapped because i just really didn't know what to do with this. It didn't seem serious enough.

~ This was never supposed to be a suntan book. I just added that in because it made everything better lol. also suntan is good.

~they were supposed to eventually fall in love through texting. But I didn't know how the plot would go from here.

~the idea of pushing Kel down the stairs was actually from a joke thing I was made with someone.

~last of all, this was initially drafted in my English term exam essay, and redrafted when doing IGCSE english revision. The rest is history :)

ok srsly this is the end i promiseeee
Byeee :) heres some cupcakes for all u lovelies 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁
don't forget to vot- ok im not doing that it sounds too attention seeker-ish

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