Kel and Sunny get some happy time :D

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have some suntan again bc I'm nice


It has been almost two days since Sunny has come out of his room.

It was Wednesday. He'd been here since Monday.

He was also starting to get awfully comfortable with it again.

Yeah. Not a good sign. He'd already been there, done that, and regretted the whole thing.

Besides, it was almost dinner. His supply of snacks in his room had finished. He needed some actual food rather than scourging for protein bars and half eaten chip packets.

But his mother..

His mother would've forgotten about the whole thing already. That's how she's been, for as long as he could remember. He didn't mind though, it made it easier to forget about the whole thing.

His wounds though....

Sunny prodded them cautiously, and it sent a wave of pain through him as he poked it hard.

Ow. Maybe he shouldn't do that.

His schoolwork lay on his table, sad and forgotten. It wasn't sadder than his social life though.

Now to the problem at hand, would his mother let him invite Kel and Basil over?

Sunny knew she really liked them. They were decent and didn't make much of a mess (Maybe because Sunny cleaned up their messes half the time.)

Maybe with some convincing and being nice enough he could...

He'll have to just find out.

He changed his t-shirt to a long sleeved one, taking care to hide his bandages and all. It also felt very cozy.

Sunny opened the door with a creeaaakkkk, peeking out cautiously for no reason.

Slowly, he tread out, afraid his mother would come out of nowhere, yelling at him for being such a shut-in again, but fortunately she was nowhere nearby.

Instead, a lovely smell filled the air, one that took Sunny back to his childhood.

Was that...


His mother stood at the end of the hallway, hands on hips. "I was just about to call you. I made you your favorite, steak!"

Sunny's eyes (or rather, eye) lit up. Despite his bad experience with it recently, his mouth still watered.  He could almost imagine the soft meat along with the caramelized onions his mother always made it with.

"Okay ma."

"Come, come, it's almost ready.", His mother beamed.

Was this his mother's way of apologizing? He figured it was a good time to ask her about Sunday.

He quickly washed up and dashed to the dining table. As he grabbed a plate and sat down, his mother served the sizzling beef, which smelled heavenly. There was even some egg to go with it, which was a little weird, but he wasn't complaining.

"Eat, Sunny. I made it for you.", His mother smiled.

Sunny piled some on his plate, and began to eat. He'd only realised now how hungry he'd been these two days.

While eating, his mother sat down across him, drumming her fingers, "So, Sunny, I've been thinking..."

Sunny looked up.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now