She had it coming tbh.

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Exams over woohoo im gonna sleep 8 hours a day again

I'm worried lmao this books getting too long and all--


"Basil, you have to tell me what's going on or I SWEAR TO-!"

"Aubrey, Aubrey, you have to be patient.", Basil calmly said, crossing his arms.

They were standing in front of Hero and Kel's place, and Aubrey had gotten sick of all the bullshit Basil had suddenly pulled on her.

"I SWEAR to god, Basil, I'm- what did you do this time?!", Aubrey yelled.

"I didn't do anything! It's just something we have to discuss all together! Hero told me to wait outside till he came to get us..."

Aubrey's stress levels were rising by the moment. This could not mean anything good, at all, especially if Basil was involved.

"Oh god, where is Hero..?", Basil tapped his foot impatiently on the ground.

"Basil, please, don't lie, what did you do?!"

"Why are you looking at me?! I didn't do anything! At least, not now...", He trailed off.

His awkward and vague demeanor made Aubrey boil over even more. She really despised it when he was like this.

"Don't fuck with me, Basil! Tell me the truth!!", Aubrey grabbed him and shook him violently.

"OW- LET GO OF ME!", He yelled out in surprise.

"Hey gu- What is going on?!"

Hero was making his way over to them. Aubrey had realised what she was doing and promptly let Basil go. He staggered sideways and readjusted his shirt.

Hero looked way more tensed than usual, too.

Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment and shame.

"...Hi Hero..", She muttered.

"Ow...what was that for??", Basil asked, annoyed.

"Basil! Are you okay? Aubrey, what happened?!", Hero frantically asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me...", Basil managed to say.

Hero turned to give Aubrey a warning look.

"Basil- wait, I'm sorry- Hero, I didn't mean-.."

"God, I knew something like this might happen.", Hero put a hand to his head and exhaled tiredly, "Aubrey, get a hold of yourself. My parents are out but if you all fight, I'm kicking you guys out."

Taken aback by Hero's rare severity, she immediately nodded.

What happened??

Basil didn't look surprised, and merely shrugged when Aubrey looked at him for answers.

"Good. Now get inside, and wait in the living room.", Hero gestured.

Entering the house, Aubrey felt uneasy in her stomach about everything. She didn't like how Hero was behaving towards her, how Basil looked a little tensed about something, and where the hell was Kel?

Was he hiding out somewhere? That wasn't like him at all...

"I'll call you all soon enough. Stay here until I say so.", Hero said sternly, and went to the staircase.

"What's going on? Basil?", Aubrey whispered urgently.

Basil looked down at his feet, "Something serious. Hero's been way too stressed out since yesterday, so be a little easy on him."

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now