Hero snaps yet again

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Their plan had gone horribly wrong.

They both walked on the concrete sidewalk, with Kel lagging behind Basil. The shock of Aubrey had worn off Basil, but it didn't look like the same for Kel

Poor Kel had been so confident that it would work that Basil was almost afraid to read his expression now. From what he'd snuck glances at, he looked empty, devoid of any emotion.

They probably needed to rest for a while. Basil was still thirsty.

"Hey Kel?"

No reply. Basil looked back to see if he really was listening. He tried again.

"Soooo..I was thinking we could stop by my house for a bit? Y'know, refresh ourselves and stuff."

Kel looked up at Basil, then slightly nodded, and crossed his arms.

Basil tried for a smile, but it felt artificial. Since that morning his best friend hadn't been doing so hot, and he wasn't about to let Kel keep being sad.

Well! Basil thought to himself, The least I could do for him is be there for him. After all, he was the only one who's given me a second chance so far.

Better not mess that up, at least. He could do it!

A large white house finally loomed about ten feet away. Basil could almost imagine the delicious dinner Polly was preparing right now.

That could definitely cheer Kel up! Polly's food was the best!

"Hey Kel, we're almost there! Do you mind staying for dinner?"

"...I'll ask my mother."

Hopefully his mother would agree.

As they reached the front of his house, Basil went ahead and knocked on the door.

"Coming!", A sweet voice called out.

The door was opened by Polly, in her usual blouse and pants, accompanied by a loose ponytail. She beamed at the sight of the two.

"Ah, Basil! I was wondering where you'd gone off for so long! And Kel, it's so nice to see you, come in, come in!"

She beckoned them in cheerfully, and they both entered.

"So Polly, what's for dinner?", Basil asked

"Oh, it's just some pasta, though I did think of topping it with some basil leaves.", She replied and winked.

Kel let out a small laugh, while adding , "Cannibalism, much?"

"Haha, very funny, guys.", Basil pouted.

"Why don't you both make yourself comfortable? Kel, wouldn't you like to stay over?"

Kel ruffled his head, "I'd love to, Polly, but I'll have to ask my mom first."

"Sure thing, dearie. You can borrow the phone if you need. Down the hall and to the right.", Polly informed.

"Thanks.", Kel walked out.

As soon as he'd left, Polly turned to Basil with a concerned expression.

"Did something happen involving you two, Basil?"

"Well....", It wasn't a point hiding things from Polly, she really was good at reading emotions, "Yea. It's complicated, to say the least."

"I could see that from the moment you all walked in. Especially Kel, he looked like a wreck. Poor thing, hope nothing really bad happened."

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now