Would Forgiving Me be...Selfish..?

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Spoilers for chapter lol
Auby dies rip L bozo


After a moments silence, Hero got up.

"Well,", he said, dusting his shirt and picking up Sally, "I best go."

Aubrey looked at him wistfully, "Do you have to?".

"Hehe, sorry Aubs, but Sally gets cranky when she's stuck in one place for too long. We don't want that now, do we princess?", He chuckled, pinching his sister's cheeks.

"I guess that's fine. See you around Hero. Nice talking with ya.", Aubrey waved.

"See you, call me, alright?"

"I will."

And just like that, Aubrey was alone.

Her mother had been surprising recently. She hadn't been drunk all day, and she had actually acknowledged her existence for the first time in ages.

She'd only said a quiet "take care" while Aubrey was going out, but it had stopped her in her tracks for a second.

Maybe...just maybe...she was finally getting better.

So far she'd only told Kim and she'd been so happy for her, giving her a big smile as she punched Aubrey happily.

"Sweet! Maybe this could be some improvement, Aubs!", She has said enthusiastically.

Aubrey had only smiled slightly, cheeks lightly reddening as she looked at her friend.

"Well that's one improvement to this hell of what people call a life."

She lay down on the cool grass, and her hair fell everywhere. The summer breeze kept blowing it right onto her face.

She really should've worn her headband. She was blowing her hair out of her mouth every fifteen seconds. She didn't want to taste her stupid hair dye.

The kids screamed and kept playing in the park, and just like Hero, she was reminded of her old memories as a kid.

She even saw two kids bickering stupidly over a silly thing. It reminded her too much of Kel.

Heh, stupid guy.

Speak of the devil, was that...Kel and Basil there-?

She squinted at the two figures walking amiably through, a short blonde and a tall brunette.

Yea it was definitely Kel. But this was the first time she'd seen him in something other than his basketball jerseys. He was dressed in a grey hoodie which seemed a bit too small for him, and his shorts seemed shorter than usual. (haha short shorts)

Basil meanwhile looked relatively normal. It still shocked her to see how calm he was these days, considering what she'd said to him yesterday.

Did he...
Not feel remorse???

Aubrey shook her head and tried to not think about Basil like that.

No Aubrey. He's- he's gone through enough- don't think of him like that...

Her conscience violently split into two again, but now, the part telling her to forgive Basil was... slightly overpowering her.

Kim had told her yesterday to just forget about the whole thing, and leave it, but...she couldn't.

She wanted to follow Kim's advice but her conscience stabbed her in retaliation.

Apologize, Aubrey.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now