Welcome again, Sunny.

679 16 175

TW: graphic descriptions of stabbing and blood! You've been warned.


How long had it been?


He felt comfy. Almost like he could stay here forever.

The blue ceiling. His bedroom.

He could remember thinking about his best friends forgiving him, while staring at it.

Last week seemed so long ago.

The hospital seemed like forever.

What did his friends look like? He couldn't remember.

He didn't want to remember.

After all, what good would it do to him?


He should sleep.

But even as his limbs felt like jelly...he was scared to do so.

Why was he here anyway?

Sunny couldn't comprehend. He knew there was something, but he couldn't remember.

All he could understand was that maybe remembering it wasn't a good idea.

Sunny rolled over. Hugging his pillow.

He missed Mari.

He wished she was here. She would run her hand through his hair and tell him everything would be okay.

But...what was wrong?

He should probably sleep on it. A quick nap should be good enough to jog his memory.



Pure black.

A whirring sound.


This was...quite familiar.

W    T     W     S
E    O     H      P
L             I       A
C            T      C
O           E      E


A blinding light met his eyes.

He opened them to see just white. Clean, sterile, bright white.

He touched his face. His eye was intact. He could properly see, for now.

Glancing around, he caught sight of something black in the distance. It seemed to be emitting pure darkness.

Walking towards it, he remembered what he called this place.

White Space.

But...why was it still here?

As he got closer, the thing that seemed to be emitting black was the lightbulb he'd broken earlier.

It was now intact and hanging from nowhere, as if it had never been shattered.

A laptop sat a few feet away, emitting a slight whirring noise. The tissues lay at his feet, unused. He never knew why it'd been there in the first place.

Mewo sat, purring peacefully. She nuzzled her head against Sunny's leg lovingly, just how he remembered.

But all of this seemed so wrong.

White Space wasn't supposed to exist anymore. Hell, he'd gone through all that and even managed to "kill" off Omori. That should've done it, right?


Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now