Hope. Hope? Nope!

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Polly stared at him with a hollow expression, her smile fading fast. She took her hand off his shoulder and held it close to her heart.

Basil almost felt bad for letting her know the entire truth.

"Polly, listen-"

"You...you hung your best friend's sister..and...took out his eye- h-how am I supposed to process this?"

Basil leaned forward, hands between his legs as he rocked back and forth on the couch, "Polly, I'm so sorry- I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to- I don't know what was happening-"

"Stop it.", Polly looked at him in horror, and she looked like she didn't recognise Basil anymore.

"In all my years...how long ago did this happen?!", she asked shakily.

"...Four years ago..", Basil said shamefully.

She put up her hands to her face, her breathing intensifying.

"Polly, listen, I won't do it again- I'm getting help now- please understand-", Basil reached out a hand towards her, and she slapped it away fearfully.

"Don't!", she yelled out, "I-This is why you were beat up by Aubrey!? This is why you- oh god...is that why you fought with Sunny?!"

Basil could feel his heart splintering the more he looked at her distraught state.

"Aubrey didn't beat me up for that reason..but yeah. That's why I fought with Sunny.."

"God- oh god- oh god-", Polly whimpered as she refused to look at his face. She got up shakily, and took a few steps back from Basil.

Basil looked at her pleadingly, "Polly, please, please understand- I'm trying to get better-"

"You did that when you were 12! I-I can't- I didn't expect this- I-"

"Polly-", Basil got up, reaching to hug her.

"No!", Polly stepped out of his reach, then stopped in her tracks. She put her hand on her forehead and sighed, trying to keep her composure.

"Please- please...I need to think about this-"

"Polly...", Basil said in a cracked voice.

"I can't do this- Basil- I'm so sorry..", Polly said, backing away.

She almost ran from Basil, looking at him fearfully. Sending a last side glance at him, she left the room, as quickly as she could.

Basil stood still, only staring at the place Polly had asked what was bothering him five minutes ago.

For a moment, his mind was blank. He tried to concentrate on the positive aspect of what had happened.

Polly just needs time, it's okay..at least she knows the truth, it's okay-

But soon...the reality of the situation sunk in, and he fiddled with his fingers as his mind processed how bad it might become.

Polly...she might never look at him the same way-

She would never turn a loving eye towards him again, or act like the mother he'd always wanted.

Basil sank to the ground, drawing patterns in the carpet absentmindedly.

Every time...

Every time he'd come home recently...Polly was  always there for him..

Loving him, and caring for him the best she could, though she was a young inexperienced woman, just trying her best.

Forgive and Forget: but what about Now? (suntan fic :))Where stories live. Discover now