The Hidden Love in Burnt Cookies

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It was a wonderful day today, and apparently Kel felt that it was a great time to force Basil to hang out at his house.

Well...not really "force", more like "approach him a thousand times and constantly ask him over and over until he finally agreed to go along with it".

Kel had finally convinced him by saying that Hero was going to be out all morning, so it was a great way to finally have some time together and relax for a bit. Plus, Kel really wanted to show Basil his baby sister, he practically adored her.

Back in the place where he hadn't stepped foot in the last four years, not much was different. The TV still played, a little more worn out than before. Noone was actually watching it,  it only served to fill in as background noise for the whole house. Besides a few more family photos, the only thing that had changed was a couple of baby rattles and playthings scattered around.

"I just realized how long it's been since you've been in here!", Kel called out from the living room doorway, "Come upstairs! Sally's probably asleep right now, so we'll just hang in my room for now! Mom's inviting you to stay for lunch as well!"

"Well..I suppose that's possible- I have my therapy appointment at three today-."

"That's okay, we'll make sure to send you off before that!"

As Basil followed his over-excited friend upstairs to his room, the state of it hadn't really changed either.

As usual, Hero's side of the room was pristine and neat, while Kel's bed was jumbled, his things all over the place and scattered.

"Hero just cleaned his side  this morning, it was a huge mess this week, so I volunteered to help him. It looks way better now!"

"It was messy?"

Kel sighed, "Yeah, worse than mine. Could you imagine? Bet you can't, can you?", He commented, sitting on his bed.

"I really can't, to be honest...", Basil trailed off.

"The dustbin is the only living proof right now. The amount of tissues...ew. Hero gets super messy when he's sad."

"That's even more unbelievable-"

"I know right?", Kel said, "People always see him as this great composed guy, who's always got it under control, kinda like Mari..."

"Mari wasn't always composed. She always got mad at you and Aubrey when you two fought, I remember.", Basil recalled.

"Oh man, you're right! That death stare of hers really gave me chills. Meanwhile Sunny always had a neutral expression. He was really the opposite of her-."

"I guess so-."

"Man, I really can't wait to see him again. I'm so excited, really!!"

"I can understand that-"

"Haven't you ever had a crush on someone, Basil?"

Basil flushed lightly, and then very hesitantly..." Not really ready for that commitment. Since when have you liked Sunny? Recently?"

"Uh..", Kel scratched his head nervously, "...since we were kids actually. I know, it's all unexpected, since I used to fake-throw up around Mari and Hero, but yeah."

"That's okay. It's cute, actually."

", anyways, speaking of Sunny,", Kel continued, "We're visiting his house for the first time right? We should totally do something for him!"

Basil took a seat on the floor, a bit confused, "Uhm, like what exactly? Buy something for him?"

"Hmmm...I thought the same too...but that's too boring...", Kel touched his lip, deep in thought. Then he widened his eyes and pointed his finger at Basil determinedly.

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