Love Has A Thousand Expressions

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Kel felt a lot.

And he didn't know how to describe it at all.

First of all, he couldn't believe Sunny loved him.

He couldn't understand how and why?

His arm was riddled with secret pinch marks, because he refused to believe that he wasn't in some hyper-realistic lucid dream.

They were walking out, together, ready to tell their friends that they were together.

He was a bit scared to tell everyone that they were a thing now, but at the same time, he was dying to share his own happiness.

It was a shame that Basil hadn't gotten a picture of their first kiss, like he'd teased when he first told him.

Ah well, there'd be plenty to come.

Kel only looked down at the short teen, gently clasping his hand in his own.

Why were they so soft?

What hand cream was that?

Or was it lotion?

Did Sunny even use those kinds of products?

And there was no way Sunny loved him. What was so great about him?

Though, Sunny was perfect.

Everytime the way he used to say things that he'd never heard melted his heart.

"Your face is really pretty."

Kel thought of his sunburnt skin, which had different patches of brown all over. He definitely wouldn't call it pretty.

"I really like you."

But why?

"I like that, just like everything else about you."

How was Sunny able to say that so confidently?

His own family had never uttered those words towards him. Hero too, he appreciated him, but never in such a way.

But Sunny did.

He couldn't ever describe how much Sunny meant to him. He was sure that even if a dictionary was handed to him, he would never be able to string together a sentence that described his feelings towards him.

A simple "I love you." didn't cut it. It felt bland, and Kel cringed at how much he had left unsaid.

It amazed him how beautiful Sunny had worded his confession. It melted his heart, made him shiver, and it was so nice.

"Are you gonna tell them, or should I?"

Sunny looked at him with his eye, the same eye patch on which he'd doodled a sun on covering the other.

Wow. Pretty eyes. Wonder what's behind them?

"...I think I'll tell them. Unless you want to?", Kel suggested, smiling.

The grin on his face felt plasticky and fake.

"Hmmm...", Sunny hummed, leaning on his arm and hugging it, "I'd rather you tell them, Kel."

"O-Oh, I can do that!", Kel said excitedly, the hair on his neck standing up. "A-anything for you!"

Why the hell does he look so cute? Pretty??  Is this how Hero saw Mari? They look pretty similar, I guess.

"Mhm.", Sunny hugged his arm even tighter, "I like you."

"Oh- uhm- yea, I like you too! Yeah!"

Goddamn you, Kel, you're such an idiot. Is that how you talk to your boyfriend?!

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