Chapter 2. My World Turned Upside Down

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The rest of the day seemed to drag on. I was fine with that too. I didn't want to go home, due to the sheer fact that I was scared as fuck.

When the 3:30 bell rang for me to leave I dreaded it. I normally love going home and chilling, but today was different.

I took the subway home kind of hoping that man that I met this morning, what was his name? Lin? Anyways I was wishing he would be on. But he wasn't. I took my beanie off and parted it in a more feminine way. I hated it.

I finally got home and opened the door. "I'm home!" I shouted into the apartment. No response. I walked into my room and saw what I feared. There was a bag full of clothes and my personal belongings.

"You are out of here. Now!" I heard my mom's voice boom behind me. It was only 3pm and I could tell she had been drinking.

"Mom, Y-you can't do this to me." I was crying at this point. "I can do whatever I want! You are out of here!" She left with that and I took this time to get anything else I needed.

I raided my bedroom and grabbed my favorite stuffed animal, a few more hoodies and pants, and money. It was only eight hundred dollars, which in New York, that goes fast.

I took all of my belongings and left. What do I do now? I'm by myself. Why are Tuesdays the worst day of the week?

When I got onto the streets of New York I immediately collapsed. I broke down. I had no one. I had nowhere to go and I had no one to live for. I had no safe haven anymore.

All I could do was walk. Walk until my legs can't take me anymore. And that is exactly what I did. I wasn't too far from central park and it was only four, so that was my plan.

I make my way to Central Park and pick from one of the many trails to walk on.

I get lost in my thoughts immediately. Thoughts of not being good enough for my family, and not being good enough for myself. I knew that my gender and sexuality would hurt people and would hurt me, but I never knew that it would be this bad.

My thoughts were interrupted by me being pushed out of the way of cars. Guess I had walked across the park and was about to walk into incoming traffic.

I fell backwards and hit my arm on the ground. Thankfully my hoodie stopped it from being scrapped, but my fresh cuts from previous days were fully reopened and I was bleeding.

I look up to see a tall man with fluffy hair, brown eyes, and a short beard. "Yo, kid you okay?" I stand up a little shaken and grab my backpack from the ground. "Yeah I'm okay." I lie through my teeth.

"Thank you." I thank him for basically saving my life, which I kind of resent him for, and I start to leave.

"Yo, wait up." He shouts a little which causes me to jump, I hope he didn't see. "Are you sure you are okay, there is blood on your sleeve." I look down at my gray hoodie and see that the blood has made its way on my sleeve.

There was no getting out of this now. "If you aren't okay you can tell me." I nodded. "I swear I'm fine." I lied again. "Can you at least let me help you get cleaned up." I nodded hesitantly, I couldn't trust him, but he also made me feel safe at the same time.

We walked in silence for about two blocks before we entered the subway. I didn't know if I was getting kidnapped or not. That was a fun feeling.

Finally the man broke the silence. "So, bud, what's your name?" The man said. I internally squealed at 'bud.' "Samuel, Samuel Alverez." I replied with my chosen name. "My name is Daveed, Daveed Diggs." He mimicked me.

"Are you still bleeding?" He asked, concerned. "I'm not sure. Probably." I answered plainly. I really don't care if I was still bleeding. I would rather bleed out than spend another minute on this stupid planet.

The subway finally came to a halt and the little screen displayed the stop, it read, '49th Street.' Okay so at least I know where I am.

We exited the station and the bright August light blinded me. I continued to follow Daveed for a few more streets before becoming curious as to where we were going.

"Where are we going?" I ask, getting sort of nervous. "I have work in about an hour so we are going there to get you cleaned up." He answered my question and I relaxed a little bit.

We finally make our way outside of the Richard Rodgers Theater. I looked around all of the people, why were we here? Is this where he works? I see the sign attached to the theater and see what show it is advertising. Hamilton, an American Musical. That explains the mass amount of people.

I don't know why everyone is raving about this musical. It's just about some white guys and how they help make the U.S. Doesn't sound too interesting to me.

Daveed went to what I guess is the stage door, and the guard let him in. Immediately he guided me to the bathroom. I internally sobbed that he was leading me to the men's bathroom too. Which means I was doing an okay job at passing.

"Take off your hoodie so that we can clean it and so that we get to the blood better." He instructed. I froze. "I don't have anything on under this." I only had my binder on, so he would immediately see it. I also didn't want him to see all of the cuts and scars I had on my upper half.

"That's okay, we are both dudes." He responded with what I thought he would. Fuck. What do I do now? "Can you please just turn around, or leave." I asked, still frozen. "If that makes you comfortable." He turned around and I took off my backpack and hoodie, throwing them on the floor. I went over to the sink and washed the dried blood off of my arms. I then grabbed paper towels and dried my arms off.

I unzipped my backpack and grabbed one of my clean t-shirts without thinking and put it on. "I'm done." I announced it to Daveed. He turned around and his eyes immediately landed on my arms. Fuck. How stupid could I be? I should have thought before I chose a t-shirt.

"Holy fuck, are you okay?" He came to my side and gently grabbed my arm. "Did you do this?" He asked with tears forming in his eyes. I was already crying. "I-" He cut me off, "We need to get you bandaged." He intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me out of the bathroom, going up four flights of stairs.

We finally make it to some form of room, that says Daveed by the door. We enter it and I sit down on his couch. He looks for something until he finds it. A first aid kit. He grabs the biggest band aids he can find and puts them on both of my arms.

I was still crying, I had just met this man, he has only been kind to me and he has found out one of my biggest secrets. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks sitting next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders to comfort me.

I shook my head and what I was not expecting happened. He wrapped his arms around me and placed my head on his chest.

We stayed like that until my breath became even again. He pulled away and said, "Please promise me that if it gets bad ever again you will talk to me before you do it." I sighed. How was I supposed to talk to him if I don't know him? "I don't know you though." I said, reminding him. "I'll put my number in your phone." He said, grabbing my phone out of the front pocket of my bag.

He put his contact information on my phone and texted himself. "See, now you can call whenever." I nodded. "And please, whenever you need, come here and ask for me. I am always here for you." I hugged him again. Maybe I could learn to trust someone.

Tuesdays may suck, but I met two amazing people today. The subway guy, Lin, and the theater guy, Daveed.

Now, where am I going to sleep tonight?

A/N. Ty guys so much for reading. Make sure to vote and comment and suggestions you may have. - Sam

Word Count: 1507

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