Chapter 6. What Comes Next?

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"Lin?" I say, swiftly moving my blanket over my chest. What was he doing here? "Hey kid." He smiled and sat down next to me. I flinched, he saw. "I won't hurt you, I promise." I nodded, not really convinced. "How are you doing?" He asked me. I shrugged not knowing how to explain. "What are you doing here?" I ask kind of bluntly. "I just wanted to see if you were doing okay." Why? I nodded and zoned out.

I really just wanted to sleep but the thoughts in my brain were going as fast as a japanese bullet train. I was pulled out of my trance by Lin talking, "You okay kid?" I nodded, trying to signal that I was tired. He sighed and bit his lip a little. "Okay, get some sleep, kid, I'll be here." I nodded and shut my eyes, getting comfortable on the hard hospital bed. Then everything went black.

I laid on my scrolling through Instagram on my phone. Laughing at the dumb videos and gushing over the cute cat posts. I suddenly heard a banging coming from the hallway. Fuck. My mom busted my door down forcing her way in my room.
"You have some nerve little girl!" I cringed at the word girl. "What did I do this time?" I asked sarcastically. My comment was responded to with a slap in the face. "Did you get food without my permission?!" She yelled in my face. I held my breath, getting nervous. "Answer me!" She continued to scream at me until things got physical. She punched me in the stomach and threw me on the ground. I whimpered in pain. She kept kicking my fragile body and I covered my head to protect myself.
With each kick the pain grew more intense. I cried into my arms with each punch. "You deserve this!" She screamed. I moved to my right a little bit to lessen the pain. She noticed. "Hey!" she yelled. "Hey!" She continued, "Hey!" Her voice grew deeper and It suddenly felt like a warm blanket wrapped around me. I calmed down a little bit but I was still being yelled at.

"Hey." I suddenly shot up from my horrible dream. Lin had his arms wrapped around me and I immediately panicked. I fought his grip around me, not feeling safe anymore. "Hey, shh. I've got you. You are safe, it's okay." Lin soothed.
My breath slowly steadied as I came back to my senses. Lin let go of me. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. I shook my head. How do I describe what I had just felt? How do I describe that hurt? "What time is it?" I shakily asked. "5:27." He answered. "I'm sorry for waking you up." I braced myself for him yelling at me but instead I was greeted by a hug. "It's okay." He smiled. "Go back to sleep buddy." I smiled at the word 'buddy' and closed my eyes. Hopefully this time I won't have a nightmare like that again.

Lin's POV

I looked down, at the now back asleep boy, in front of me. I don't know why, but I have a connection to him.
I watch as his chest rises and falls with every steady breath. He looks peaceful, like nothing ever hurt him.
I suddenly hear a knock on the door and a doctor walks in. "Good Morning, I am Doctor Kade Paige, nice to meet you." I stood up and walked over to Dr. Paige and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too. My name is Lin." He nodded and went over to Sam's bed to check his IV bag. "Is he going to be okay?" I ask Dr. Paige. He smiles and nods. "As long as he has support, he will be just fine." I smile a bit knowing he will be okay.

"How is his family? Have they been to see him yet?" That was the big thing on my mind, how his family was taking this. I saw Dr. Paige's smile faded instantly. "Um- for confidentiality reasons I can't say much, but I know whoever takes him will be lucky to have a boy like him." I sat there for a second taking in the words that the doctor just said. What does he mean 'whoever takes him?' Then it hit me, he's in the system, he is a foster kid.

My brain lit up like it ever had before, and I knew exactly what I was going to do, but this was going to be a long process and I still needed Vanessa's blessing.
"What if I foster him?" I broke the silence with my question. Dr. Paige looked baffled. "Are you a registered foster parent?" The young man asked me. I shook my head. "I can get you set up with all of the paperwork if you would like?" I vigorously nodded, now I see where Sebastian gets it from. "In the meantime though, he will have to be in another foster family or group home." I nodded, I hoped he would be okay, and most importantly remember me.

"Let me talk to my wife and I will grab those papers."

I stepped outside of the room and into the hallway. I pulled my phone out and pressed on the contact V. The phone rang twice before she answered, I had told her where I was going to be last night.

"Hey honey, how are you?" My waking wife asked. "I'm good. How did you sleep?" I asked her, "Slept okay, Seb woke up at 3am for a water break but after that he slept fine and so did I." I smiled at the thought of Sebastain and remembered what I had called her about.

"Hey V, you know that boy I have been talking about and the one I am visiting in the hospital right now?" I asked my wife. "The one you have been talking non-stop about, I think I can remember him." V answered sarcastically. "He is in the system, what if we take him in. Just for a little bit?" I heard her sigh on the other side of the line. "You know that this is another really big thing right?" She asked, "Yeah, but I have a really good feeling about it, like it was meant to be. And for Sebastian, he could have an older brother to bond with." I listed a few more positives that a new addition to our family would bring us.

"I will start on the legal process." Vanessa finally said and I almost started crying then and there. "We are going to have another son!" I was so happy. Vanessa did her happy laugh from the other side of the line. It may have taken some convincing, but I knew she was happy. I was happy too. "Okay I will see you later, have a good day at work." I said ending the conversation. "Okay I love you I will see you later." V said. "Love you too. Bye." I hung up the phone and sighed. This was going to be a process, but a process that I was willing to go through.

Hello Hello Hello. Sorry for the late updates I have been so busy with school and stuff. I am current posting this from the Toronto Airport, so hopefully I will get a few chapters done. Anyways, I love you guys and thank you for reading💜 Make sure to vote and comment any suggestions🩵 -Sam

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