Chapter 30. Gaslighting, Cheating, Liar

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I walked into school on Wednesday full of anxiety. Today the cast list for Heights was coming out. To say the least, I was nervous. Not only was I anxious about the musical, I was afraid to face Aniyah. She has been mad at me for various reasons over the past few days. First it was not texting her back, then it was not telling her 'goodnight.' And now it was that I was cheating on her. She has been pissed all week and no matter what I say she yells at me and calls me names. I have no clue what has gotten into her, but Jada and Logan have started to notice.

I went to my first period and saw Aniyah in our usual spot. I went to sit next to her, but she put her feet up on my usual chair. She had been doing this for a few days. "Good morning to you too," I just said and found a different seat to sit in.

I pulled out my phone before class started and saw there was a text from Aniyah.

Aniyah- Can you stop trying to pretend everything is okay and just apologize for cheating!

Sam- for the 18th time, I didn't cheat on you!

I turned my phone off. I am so over this right now. I just need to make it until the end of the day.


Lunch came with the sound of the bell and I was so relieved, I am so done with APUSH. I mean I love history and Mr. Lancaster and all, but god do I hate that class. I sat down at my group's lunch table. Jada and Logan were quick to sit down. Aniyah was nowhere in sight.

"Okay I need to know what is going on between the two of you," Logan huffed.
"To be honest, I couldn't tell you. She's just pissed at me all of the time and accused me of cheating on her," I told them both.

Jada just nodded and made a face. "What's that face for?" I asked her. She had something to say and I wanted to know.
"Nothing. I mean... not nothing. What if she's projecting. Like she cheated on you and is trying to project it onto you?" Jada spilled. I thought about it for a second and it made complete sense. And then the panic button in my brain was pushed. She probably did cheat on you. She never liked you.

"Jada, do you know something that I don't?" I asked my friend. I needed to know, because I was going to go crazy.
Jada just sighed and pulled out her phone, pulling up a video that I had no interest in seeing. It was Aniyah naked making out with another guy.

"This got sent around to a few people. I'm sorry Sam." Was all Jada said before I started to tear up. What the fuck! I almost said what the fuck.

"How long have you known?" I asked Jada with a hitch in my voice.
"Two days. Logan didn't know. I didn't know how to tell you. Sam I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Jada explained.

I just got up from the lunch table and practically ran to the band room. The only place I knew I could let everything out without embarrassing myself.

I got there and Mrs. Duke was in her office. I went over to it and lightly knocked on the door frame. She turned and looked at me. "Is it okay if I play in one of the practice rooms during lunch? I promise I won't sound horrible," I said and laughed a bit. Mrs. D laughed a bit too. "Yeah of course. I'm going to get some lunch in a minute, but take all of the time you need," she responded. I just nodded and went to my band locker to get my bass clarinet.

I put it together and went to a practice room and just started playing. I played what popped into my brain, what was written on sheet music, and what I thought was necessary for me.

Right before the lunch bell rang to dismiss us to our next class, I started to cry again, and this time it was a full cry. I can't believe this is happening. It was good. We were good. I don't know what happened. God this is awful.

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