Chapter 13. Leaves on the Sidewalk

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Sam's POV

I awoke to a loud banging, and then the sounds of a small giggling scream. I pushed myself up and out of the cloud-like bed that I just fell in love with, to go see what all of the noise was about. I walked the few feet to the door that had stayed open and stepped through the door frame. I looked down the small hallway into the main area, and saw a small child, not over the age of one for sure.

I started walking out of the hallway and into the living room as well. Something about little kids always made me calm down. Like the fact they are so innocent and have no clue about any of the dangers of the world amazes me.

"There you are." I looked over and it was Vanessa. "Did you have a nice nap?" The dark haired woman asked me. "Yeah." I responded plainly. I was still tired.

The loud giggly scream started again. I looked over the couch and sure enough there the kid was, sitting on the floor in front of the couch., playing with a small car.

"Sebby, indoor voice." Vanessa warned the little kid. "That is Sebastian." She motioned to the baby sitting, playing with a small toy. I nodded and walked over to him, sitting down. "Hi, Sebastian." I smiled warmly at him, grabbing a nearby toy to start playing with him. "I'm Sam." I said while putting the car down on the track. "Am!" The little boy squealed. I chuckled a little bit at the lack of vocabulary. I guess Am is my new name.

Something about the whole interaction was so pure. He made me realize how much I always longed for a boy childhood. Not one filled with pink dresses and Barbie's.

Lin's POV

I walk into my apartment after the first show of the day and I am greeted by the sight I was the most excited to see. There, sitting on the floor, both of my kiddos, playing with small cars. I quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture of the sight, and made sure to get one of just the back of their heads too, for my twitter later.

"How long have they been like this?" I whispered to my wife who was behind the couch. "For a good fifteen minutes." She whispered back and gave me a little kiss on my lips. I guess that was what Sam heard to get him to turn around and see that I came home.

"Oh, hey." He said softly. "How long have you been standing there?" He laughed slightly. "Long enough to gush over the cuteness." I said, smiling from ear to ear. Sam's face turned bright red and he looked down at the floor. "Sorry." He muttered an apology that was not needed. "Don't apologize." Vanessa responded to him. He simply nodded and got off of the ground.

"Hey, Seb and I made sandwiches for lunch if you guys would like some?" I nodded and picked up Sabastian, then started for the kitchen. I looked over to Sam and he was frozen. "You coming?" I ask the teen. He simply nodded and followed me to the kitchen. Something about the mention of food to him seemed like he had heard the worst thing in the world. But I brushed it off and continued into the kitchen to where I was greeted with the sight of ham and cheese sandwiches. Something about a sandwich makes me so happy. I put Seb down in his highchair and then I picked one up from the plate and grabbed a paper towel, sitting down in one of the bar stools. Happily digging in. Vanessa came over and started to feed Sebastian. The little boy was giggling happily as he got food in his system.

When I looked up from my food in front of me I could tell something was up with Sam. He was just staring at food in front of him, like it was a foreign object. "Do you not like ham?" I jokily questioned, trying to lighten the mood. "No, I do. I just..." The teen in front of me stuttered out and sighed. I could tell he was very tense. "Am!" Sebastian squealed as he tested out that new name he made for the fourteen year old. His squeals seemed to calm down Sam. "Yeah buddy." Sam responds to the little boy. Sebastian made an eating motion to the older boy. Yes Sebastian! Sam giggled a little bit and then looked back down at the food in front of him. He picked up the small sandwich and began to eat it. I smiled at the sight. Thank you Sebastian for making this child eat.

As we finished our meals Sebastian was getting very restless, in his mind, it was play time. "How about we go to the park?" Vanessa asked, to no one specific. I thought that sounded like a great idea and it seemed Sam thought so too. "Okay, I will get Sebastian ready, and then we can go." Vanessa said, taking Sebastian out of his high chair and bringing him to his room to change him.

That left Sam and I sitting at the island with me. "So, how has today been?" I asked the teen, who was staring at his plate even though it didn't have anything on it anymore. "It's been okay." Sam responded dryly. I didn't know what to say. "Well, something happened with Daveed at the theater today." Sam looked up and beamed at the mention of Daveed's name. "Daveed walked into the girls dressing room while Jazzy was getting dressed by accident, and he was so embarrassed he wouldn't talk to Jazzy at all." I remembered. Sam started to crack up, which made me laugh with him. "Poor Daveed." Sam managed to get out in between laughter.

After that, Sam seemed to open up a little bit more, as we made smooth conversation. Talking about things that ranged from school, to weird things to happen at the theater. "What is your favorite artist?" I asked Sam. "At the moment, Adele, Kendrick Lamar and TV Girl." The teen answers. Two artists I absolutely love and one I had never heard of, but ones who have very different music styles. "Really!" I beamed. I love Kendrick so much, and Adele is top tier. "Yeah, Kendrick is just so great, Adele... I could go on and on about her, and TV Girl is literally so good."

I'm so happy that we have more things in common. I really am loving getting to know Sam.

Just as we finished our conversation, Vanessa came into the room with a very cute Sebastian in her arms. He was wrapped up in warm clothing protecting him from the cold of the November air. "Ready to go?" She asked us. "Yup." I responded to her. I quickly grabbed my coat from the rack and put it on, I hate being cold. We got up and started for the door heading  out of the house, starting for the park.

We had been walking for a little bit when I looked over at Sam. He was very focused on the leaves sidewalk, trying to crunch each and every one of them. I don't blame him though, I used to do the same thing. So I joined him. Focusing hard on the leaves of the sidewalk, stepping on each one that came into my view.

I think he started to catch on to me when I started to stomp on them as hard as I could. "What are you doing?" Sam laughed. "What?" I questioned and chuckled. Sam smiled and continued to step on the leaves, while I walked normally.

We walked for a few more minutes when I saw the park come into my view. I think Sebastian saw the colorful slides up ahead and he started to squeal.

Once we got to the park Vanessa took Sebastian to the slides, and Sam and I took a seat on the bench nearby. "Hey, you might have to go to the theater with me tonight. Vanessa might have to go into the office later, she is working on a big case right now." I informed Sam. He simply nodded. I could tell that this whole situation was something he was trying to get used to, and quite frankly, so we're we. But as of right now, I am okay with bonding over music artists and leaves on the sidewalk.

A/N: Hi everyone. Make sure to vote and don't be shy to comment or DM me any suggestions you may have for this story. -Sam💙

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