Chapter 12. What?

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I sat on the curb, looking out at the cars passing by on Fort Washington Avenue, dreading when Layla's would pull up. I don't know why she is being so protective. I needed to get out of there. What if she puts me with another horrible family? I can't go through it again.

All of these thoughts race around in my mind until I see the dreaded. Layla pulls up in her black Honda Accord. I know that I need to talk about why I ran, but I don't know how. "Come on kid, get in. " She says from the driver's seat. I reluctantly got up from my spot and got to the car, opening the back seat.

"Hey." I am greeted by Layla's warm smile. It immediately calms me down a bit. I can still tell she is pissed, but she is trying her hardest to hide it. "Hi." I answer coldly. I know she is just trying to be nice to me, but I don't feel like talking right now.

Layla starts the car again, and we start for our destination, which is unknown to me. "Why did you run?" Layla asks me, her eyes not faltering from the road. I knew this question was coming. I don't even know what to say. "They hurt me." I said bluntly, getting straight to the point. I didn't mean to say that.

"What?" Layla had a panic in her voice. "Why didn't you call me, I could have gotten you out of there sooner?" She seemed genuinely concerned. "I don't know. I just felt like I deserved it I guess." I had no emotion in my voice. I did think I deserved it.

"Sam. You don't deserve abuse." I nodded. "What did they do to you? We could press charges." I sighed. I really didn't want to be having this conversation.

"They broke two of my fingers and my ankle. Well, Tyler did. But the adults were just drunk all the time. Mr. Clark would get angry at me for no reason, he kicked in my door like four times." I explained "I don't want to press charges, it's not that bad." I didn't want to escalate the situation even further.

I looked over at Layla and she had heartbreak in her eyes. "You should have told me sooner." She said blankly. "If this happens with your new family, let me know as soon as possible. I will come get you." Layla told me. I nodded.

For the rest of the car ride I stared blankly out the window, looking at all of the cars passing by. Maybe the person in the black car next to us hated their corporate job. Or maybe the person in the red SUV in front of us has a large family to provide for.

I played the guessing game I had created in my mind until the car came to a halt. In front of me were a few large buildings. I had definitely seen these buildings before. I mean, they are right next to the George Washington Bridge, so they are hard to miss.

We pulled up in front of one of the tall buildings and Layla got out. I hesitated. I didn't know who I was going to this time. I had no idea how they would treat me, or their lifestyle. But there was one thing I knew for sure, they can't find out I am trans.

I finally got out of the car and immediately looked for an address. Once I found it, I looked around for landmarks. The George Washington Bridge duh. Stupid Sam.
I followed Layla to the main door and she buzzed up. Once we were let in, we hopped in the elevator and headed up.

I was so nervous. My heart felt like it was going to bust out of my chest. The elevator dinged after what seemed life forever, and the doors opened. Both Layla and I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hallway until we reached our destination. Lalya knocked on the door, I stood quietly looking at the floor. I heard some shuffling from inside the apartment, then the door opened.

I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Lin. "What?" I looked over at Layla, she smiled at me. "You are fostering me?" I asked the man standing in front of me. I thought I was dreaming. "We are." Lin moved out of the doorway to reveal his wife. I waved shyly. "Please, come in." Lin said moving out of the door frame.

"I'm Vanessa by the way." Vanessa said coming over to me. I smiled at her. The warm energy radiated off of her, I felt calm.

While Layla talked to Lin for a little bit and Vanessa took me to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?" Vanessa asked me with a warm smile on her face. "Um- a water, if that's okay?" She nodded and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "Tell me a bit about yourself." She prompted me. "Um... I go to Hunter College High School." I answered. She nodded for me to go on. "I'm fourteen, I am a freshman. My favorite color is forest green. I play Bass Clarinet and Saxophone. I am half Puerto Rican half American." I didn't want to go in-depth, but she seemed satisfied.

"Those are all great things." She responded. "I also went to Hunter. Great school." She seemed proud of herself, the same way I was to go to my high school. "Well since you got to know something about me, what about you?" I boldly said. I was actually proud of myself for making conversation. "Well... as you know I went to Hunter. I am an Attorney. One of my favorite colors is pink, and I am latino as well." She smiled and I sipped my water.

"I think they are done in there, let's go see." I nodded and followed her back into the living room. Layla and Lin had wrapped up their conversation and Layla smiled at me as I walked in the room.

"This is where I say goodbye. If you ever need anything, text me." Layla spoke, giving me a hug that I melted into. Something about physical touch made my heart race. I felt loved. "I will be on my way." We broke our embrace and Lin showed her out.

As he closed the door I tended up a little bit. I didn't know what to do, or say. "Welcome home." Lin said, stepping closer to me, I let him get close.

"How about a tour?" The ponytailed man asked me. I nodded. I was still slightly uncomfortable, but I will get used to it.

After about a ten minute tour around the apartment, we landed on a door. "This is your room." Vanessa said, turning the knob. The door opened and I was so happy. This was the nicest room I ever had. It had a full bed, white walls, and a dark green color pallet spread around the room. It had a view of the streets below which I loved. It had a small desk, and a bookshelf, which I will be utilizing.

I looked around in awe. The room felt comfortable, it felt like me. "Thank you." I looked back at Vanessa and Lin to see them smiling, so was I. "Thank you so much." I was smiling ear to ear. I was so grateful for everything already.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" Lin spoke up from the moment of bliss. "Um... I don't think so." I said calmly. "I don't have too much anyways so I would be able to manage." Lin nodded and bit his bottom lip slightly. I could tell he was thinking.

"We will give you a few minutes to unpack and chill." Vanessa told me.

Both her and Lin walked out of what is now my room. I don't know how I got so lucky. One minute I was sleeping outside in the November cold. Then the next moment, I was in a warm apartment, with what I can tell, amazing people. There are still bad thoughts in my head though. I still don't feel like enough. I don't deserve the people who are out in the living room. They are too good for me. And if they find out I'm not only bisexual but trans too, who knows what will happen.

I pull myself back to reality where I am sitting on my bed, with my bag next to me. I guess I should unpack. I'm scared that I will unpack and get comfortable, and then they get rid of me. But if I don't unpack they will think I don't trust them.

I guess I'm unpacking. It really isn't much anyways. I start taking my clothes out of the bag beside me and go over to my closet and get hangers to hang them up. I find cubby buckets on shelves in the closets with labels on them. Underwear. Socks. Gym Clothes. Extra.

I put all of my underwear and stuff in the bins designated for the items and shut the closet door. I then walked over to my bed and sat down, pulling out my phone to scroll through twitter.

I am scrolling for a while when there is a knock on the door frame. I look up and see Lin. "Hey, I am headed to the theater, you can come if you want, but Vanessa will be here, and Sebastian should be here with her parents in about an hour." I nodded. "I think I'm just going to stay here." I said just above a whisper. I didn't feel like going anywhere. "Okay, I will see you in a little bit." Lin said in a loving tone.

Lin exited the room and fell back onto my bed. It was the softest, most comfiest, bed I had ever laid in. It felt like I was lying on a cloud. The cloud like bed sunk me deeper and deeper, until everything went black.

Hey. Don't forget to vote and don't be shy to comment or DM me any suggestions💙- Sam

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