Chapter 1. Wait For It

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Rule number one, never show your true sexuality or gender identity. It will only hurt you.
Rule number two, never trust anyone. No one is actually looking out for you.
Rule number three, don't think about your parents. They're not worth your time.

The fear of being kicked out for being who you are is the scariest fear you will ever have. I know first hand how haunting that fear can be. Hearing the words "get out" will never leave my brain no matter how hard I try. Let me backup a bit. My name is Sam, I'm 14, and I am a bisexual trans man. Let me tell you my story.

I panicked as I heard the front door open. I knew that my parents were home and I also knew it was only a matter of seconds before they came into my room and saw me in boy drag. I had a binder on my chest, my hair was freshly cut short, which took so long to convince my parents, and a pair of baggy blue jeans on. My door flew open and the scent of alcohol radiated off of my parents. No call, no text and they come home drunk.

"What are you doing?" My mom asked in disgust. "Nothing." That was the only thing I could think of to save my own ass. "Are you our son now?" My dad scoffed drunkenly. If there was ever a time to come out this would be the time. They already knew so might as well open that closet door even more. "Yeah I am. I am your son now." I stuttered a little bit. "No you're not." My mom said, even more disgusted by the sight of me now. "We will talk about this in the morning." My dad said angrily. Both of them walked out of my room and slammed the door. "Fuck." Was all I could say. How could I be so stupid. Maybe they're so blacked out that they won't remember in the morning. I lay back onto my bed and shut my eyes. It only now dawned on me that they also saw all of the scars on my body as well. "Fuck."

I was rudely awakened by the morning sun kissing my face. I knew getting up that I was in for it. I threw on a t-shirt and a new pair of pants before walking out of my room to face my parents for the first time this morning. I walk in the kitchen to find my dad with his head in his hands, and my mom replicating his image. "g'morning." I say quietly going to the fridge. No response. I open the fridge and grab the half drank apple juice and set it onto the counter. I looked back at my parents with them not having moved at all. I grab a glass from the cabinet and set it on the counter as well. I pour the apple juice into the cup, and it's quiet. Too quiet. I can hear my own breath along with my parents, and the steady stream of the apple juice into the cup.

"Are you going to explain to us what we saw last night?" My dad broke the silence. I immediately stiffened.

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say. What do I say to my angry parents?

"Tell us it was a one time thing." My mom spat at me, getting up from her spot and coming toward me. "You are our daughter. Tell us it was a one time thing!" She screamed in my face and all I could do was stand there.

Before I could respond I felt a stinging go across my cheek. She slapped me. I didn't respond. All I could do was go to my room and get my stuff for school.

"I'm going to school, I'll see you guys later." And with that I walk out of the door on my way to the subway. Once again I am going to be late.

Getting yelled at early in the morning is never fun, but at least I have a twenty minute subway ride to think it over.

I walk onto the platform and wait for the train to get here. It feels weird because I am the only one waiting.

Thank god rush hour is over because I hate being here during it.

The train finally gets to the platform and I step in. I look over and see a Latin man with long hair, sitting by himself to my right. I make it a point to sit as far as possible from him. You never know someone's true intentions.

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