Chapter 10. Let it Resonate

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My class got back to the theater about ten minutes ago and I haven't said a word to any of them, not like I would want to anyways. My voice is too high. Just as I thought I was in the clear of not talking Mr. Lancaster sat down right next to me. "Hey." I lifted my head to look at the man. "Hey." I respond dryly looking back down at my phone. "How was it?" He asked me, I guess implying to me staying here. "It was fine, I'm not dead or in trouble so..." I was not interested in this conversation, and I surely was not going to say anything about going backstage.

I heard Mr. Lancaster sigh. I felt bad for being kind of rude and closed off. I really just don't like talking. Like I said, my voice is too high and I hate it.

I suddenly felt someone sit down next to me, It was Aniyah. I smiled at the girl next to me. She smiled back. "Hey, would it be okay if I got your Snapchat or Phone Number?" Aniyah asked me. I squealed internally and nodded.

She handed me her phone and I put my contact in her phone under Sam. Then I switched over to Snap and interred my . I handed Aniyah her phone back and she smiled.

I picked up my own phone and accepted her snap request and she texted me so I put her name in my phone. "Now we can talk whenever." I nodded. I hope once she finds out I'm trans she won't be upset. I shove that thought to the back of my brain and focus on the positive. I just got a cute girl's number.

I smile internally and look at the stage. I wonder when the show will start. As if it was on que, the lights in the theater dimmed. The crowd erupted in cheers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your King... George the III." I clapped and laughed at the voice. "Welcome to Hamilton." Now I was getting really excited. "At this time please silence all cell phones and other electronic devices. All photography and video recording is strictly prohibited. Thank you... and enjoy my show." I laughed at the King's voice.

I pulled out my phone quickly and silenced it. I don't want it to be my fault for disrupting the show.

The lights dimmed slowly until there was only one light coming from the left side. A man walked out and I remembered his face from the Q&A, it was Leslie... I think.

He hit his mark at center stage and the music started. "How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten
spot in the Caribbean by Providence impoverished in squalor
grow up to be a hero and a scholar?" I was in a trance as he sang.

More and more happened and I didn't take my eyes off of the stage. "Oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette! The Lancelot of the revolutionary set! I came from afar just to say "Bonsoir!" Tell the King "Casse toi!" Who's the best? C'est moi!" I smiled at Daveed who was now Lafayette.

Things went by so quickly, they were just singing about how Hamilton wasn't going to throw away his shot, then the Schyler Sisters. I finally got the joke Renee told me earlier when I met her. Next thing I know the king comes out and that is probably my favorite song so far.

I laughed at Burr when Washington told him to get out of his office, and awed at Eliza and Hamilton's marriage.

Renée blew me away with her song. She vocals are amazing!

Oh, the boys are drunk again, how surprising... not.

Burr starts singing and I can't help but to put all of my attention into the lyrics. "Death doesn't discriminate,
between the sinners and the saints, it takes, and it takes, and it takes. And we keep living anyway, we rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. And if there's a reason I'm still alive, when everyone who loves me has died, I'm willing to wait for it. I'm willing to wait for it." Those words struck me like a ton of bricks. I could relate to everything he said. My new favorite song.

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