Chapter 15. Auditions

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It has been a little over a week since I moved in with Lin and Vanessa, and things are okay. It is still a little weird, and we are just trying to get to know each other. We are also trying to establish a routine. I take the subway to school in the mornings, even though Lin was very against it. I remember having that conversation.

"What if you get lost?" Lin asked me, as I sat at the kitchen counter. "Lin, I have lived in New York City all of my life. I think I'm fine." I stated, as I took a bite of a granola bar. "Okay, tell me how to get to Washington Heights from your school." Lin was very concerned. "Okay, fine." I sighed. "I have to walk across the park to get to 8th Avenue, because then I can take the A train past Harlem to 181st Street, then you take the escalator up. From there I know how to get here. And to get to school, I just do everything I just said in reverse." I restated all that I knew. "Lin, I will be fine. I have been taking this route for nine years." This was the first route I had learned as a kid. "Fine. But if you need anything or for me to pick you up from school, just call me or text me. And if you will be late getting home, call me please." Lin said. "Okay I will." I complied.

Right now I am sitting in my third hour class, which is band. And if I have to sit here with these people for more than five minutes I might lose it. I look over at the clock on the wall and my luck is working today because there is only a minute left. I take my bass clarinet and get up. People follow my actions since there is only one minute left.

I make my way to one of the empty practice rooms and set down my stand and pull a chair out from the corner. I have Jazz Ensemble next hour and we aren't doing anything today, so might as well work on my NYSSMA piece. A few months ago my band director said I should Audition for the New York State School Music Appreciation, on my Bass Clarinet. The scary thing is, tomorrow is the auditions, and I have yet to tell Lin or Vanessa. I'll tell them tonight maybe.

Because I said okay, my band director has been up my ass about it. But she said she wanted me to go for the experience. I made the district middle school honor band last year as an eighth grader, but this is different I guess. Anyways I don't mind though, because I get to play my instrument and feel at ease when I play.

After about thirty minutes of playing, there is a knock on the practice room. I see my band director and I open the door. "How's it going in here?" Mrs. Duke, my band director asks. "It's going well. All of my scales are memorized and I'm just working on some songs." I told her. "Good. I just wanted to tell you that we are leaving right after school tomorrow to go to LaGuardia High School for auditions." Mrs. D informed me. "Okay. Thank you." I smiled. "Also, emails will be going out to parents tomorrow morning informing them of everything." She said and left the room. Okay, so now I do have to tell them. Not that I don't want to, but I just don't want it to be a big deal.

I go back to playing for a little bit more until my phone buzzes on my music stand. I open my phone and see it is from Aniyah. I smile a little to myself and open it.

Aniyah💕: Are you auditioning tomorrow at LaGuardia???

Sam💙: Yeah, on my bass clarinet. Are you?

Aniyah💕: Yeah. On flute obv. I am excited to see you💕

Sam💙: Me too!

Sam💙 : I have to go back to practicing, but I will text you later

Aniyah💕: Kk

I close my phone and smile. Aniyah and I have been talking a lot since we met at Hamilton. I opened up to her about being trans about a month ago and she was so supportive.She didn't care in the slightest. She knows the whole living situation as well. I am hoping she will be my girlfriend soon. I might ask her out tomorrow if I get enough courage. But for right now I need to practice.

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