Chapter 16. Dont Fumble

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I woke up Saturday morning with my alarm blaring in my ear. I hate all day band rehearsals. What was good though was it was at Hunter, and I didn't have to go very far. My alarm displayed 6:37. Shit, I have to get going.

I reluctantly got up out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I did all of the normal hygiene stuff and then made my way back out and into my bedroom. I quickly put on my binder and some comfy clothes. I did have to be there all day anyway might as well be comfortable.

Once I was done I made my way to the kitchen. Vanessa was the only one awake. "Good morning. You are up early." She said to me as she sipped her coffee. "Yeah, today is the all day rehearsal thing for band." I responded. "How many people made it from your school?" She asked and she sipped her coffee. "Six out of the ten who auditioned." I was very proud of our band. "What time do you have to be there?" She asked. "At seven forty-five ish. We start at eight." I informed her. "Concert is at 6:30?" She asked. I simply nodded. I knew neither Lin or Vanessa would be able to make it today since they both had work. But it was okay, I had myself, and that's enough.

"We have cereal and breakfast bars in the cabinet, and breakfast sandwiches in the freezer." She told me and smiled. "Okay." I nodded slightly. Food was something I didn't feel like having right now, but I needed to get better. I can't worry them. I opened the freezer and popped one of the small sandwiches in the microwave.

After a few minutes the microwave beeped and I took out the hop sandwich. I grabbed a napkin and found a spot at the island.

It took longer than I would like to admit to eat that small sandwich, but it's a work in progress. When I went to leave I realized Vanessa was changing into her work clothes and Lin was probably still asleep, so I left a little note on the counter so they wouldn't freak out when they saw I wasn't here. I grabbed my bag with my concert clothes, water, chapstick, and food in it. At 6:52 I headed out the door and started for the subway.

The subway seems to take forever today. I don't know why, but it just did. I got off the A train at 7:28 and started to walk across the park. I had enough time, but I walked quickly just in case.

While I was in the park, I started to think. A lot. The stress of today was weighing on me. I can't mess this up. I can't fumble. What if the other bass clarinets hate me, or what if I play the wrong thing. Little things like this make my mind race. Only time will tell.

Lin's POV

I woke up to a gentle kiss. I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful woman in the world, my wife. "Morning." I smiled at her. She mirrored my smile. God I love this woman. "Wake up sleepy head." She laughed. I groaned a little bit and pulled the blankets off of me getting out of bed.

I made my way into the kitchen and saw Sebastian playing with some toys in his playpen. Everyone was accounted for except for one. That is when I saw the note on the counter.

I have an all-day band rehearsal today. The concert is at 6:30 so I might be home at 7:30-8 pm ish. Neither of you were in the kitchen when I left, so I am just leaving this so you won't freak out.

I'm glad he left a note. It was unnecessary since we both knew where he was going, but I appreciated it. But I am excited because now my plan is now in action.

"Hey Vanessa, did he eat before he left?" I asked curiously, setting down the note. "Yeah, he had one of those breakfast sandwich things." She informed me.

Sam's eating was something that we started to monitor after the first few days. At first, we thought he was just being a little bashful until he fell asleep on the couch one night and I carried him to his room. He was as light as a feather. He has been doing better though.

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