Chapter 29. Happy Birthday!

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"Daveed!" I yelled at the man as he came into my room. "Kid!" He said mockingly at me. "Daveed it is one in the morning! Why are you here?! And who let you in?" I was lying comfortably in my bed, ready to fall asleep. Lin and I had just gotten back from the theater a few hours ago, and I had yet to fall asleep. "Because tomorrow is Lin's birthday and we need to decorate his dressing room before you guys come in tomorrow. And Vanessa let me in. We have been planning," he explained. "Okay but do we really have to do this right now? I mean can we wait till the morning?" I asked not wanting to get up. "No! We have to do it now or he will be suspicious!"

Daveed came closer to me and grabbed the blankets off of my body. I quickly turned away from him, not wanting to expose my non bindered chest. I groaned.
"Come on. You don't even have to put clothes on, just come with me to the theater," he explained. I groaned again. I was too tired for this.
"Don't make me pull you out of this bed!" He threatened. I took his threat with a grain of salt and only did I believe him when he grabbed my feet and started to drag me out of my bed. "Okay okay! I'm getting up!" I shouted. "Hey, is Lin asleep? He will know if he isn't," I said to him before he walked out of my room.
"Vanessa said he was knocked out cold. She just said to have you back soon. You're coming. Hurry up!" He explained and left my room, closing the door behind him.

I went to my closet and grabbed a tight sports bra, putting it on. I still haven't worn my binder since the whole possible fractured rib fiasco. 

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself for a whole minute, mustering up the confidence to leave the house.

I left the bathroom, went back into my room, threw on a random hoodie over my tee shirt and walked quietly into the living room where Daveed was. "Ready to go?" He asked me. I groaned in response. "I'll take that as a yes." He grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers in mine.

"Stay near me, it is dangerous at this time of night," he told me as we walked out of the apartment building. "Then why are we out right now?! I will let you know that you are a black man and I am a young Latino boy. It is not safe for us!" I yelled a little too loud. "I am aware of this, that is why I look bad ass," Daveed jokes. I shook my head at him and we started on our way to the subway station.

We get to the station and his hands are intertwined with mine. I can't help but to think about the first time we rode the subway together. I thought he was kidnapping me. Oh and hey, he is doing it again.

The train did eventually come and we rode it all the way down to Broadway. This was a route that I started to know.

We got off at 43rd Street and made our way up, like I did all of the time with Lin. Now this time Daveed was kidnapping me.

Before we walked into the theater he pulled out his phone and called someone. "Who are you calling?" I asked him curiously. "Ramos," he said as put the phone up to his ear.

"Hey are you here yet?" Daveed asked Anthony. I couldn't hear Ant on the other side of the line. "Okay, I'll see you soon," Daveed hung up. "He's on his way," Daveed told me.

We made it to the stage door and Daveed punched in the pin to the door and opened it. I kept my head down so that if any cameras happen to be around, they wouldn't catch my face.

We got into the theater and ran up the few flights of stairs to get to Lin's dressing room. We entered the room and everything was still the way it was just a few hours before. But the light was on for Groffs side of the room. I walked through the doorway and saw Groff and Leslie sitting there. "Hey kid!" Leslie said with a smile. I waved as he stood to give me a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I gave him a slight hug back. Making sure my chest didn't touch his.

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