Chapter 1: As Above, So Below

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~ Year 2027 ~

~ Johnathan POV ~

"Listen up, we have the Western Anthro Army of the Pacific on the run". "We need all available aircraft carriers and fighter pilots on standby". "Tomorrow at dawn, we will storm the shore waters and bomb their entire base". "This will set their entire supply line and forces running, allowing us to capture the region". The entire room cheered and celebrated the news. The Anthros had held that territory of the Pacific coast and waters for far too long. By storming the shores and eliminating their entire fleet, we would have them cut off and cornered. The United Human Nations have successfully taken all of the North American and South American Regions. Now we are pushing and slowly winning the fight in Europe. We've taken control of Africa. Now all that's left is Europe. I was happy with this news. I knew for a fact, this war was almost at a end. Those stupid ass furs actually thought because they were stronger and more intelligent than us that they stood a chance. It's time to kill off their entire race. I smiled as I said this to myself. I then decided to go back to my dorm room with the rest of my fellow pilots Terrance, Mathew, Mike and Talon. We were a five man squad. But it was me, Johnathan that made the furs fear us the most. We were a vapor trail. We were notorious for bombing Anthro Fleets, Eliminating Antho air force squads and reducing their camps to rubble. "Hey y'all, ready for tomorrow"? I asked my squad. "Always ready for a fight" Talon said. "The fur covered f*ggot filth will learn to respect Humanity when their kind sees chains" Terrance said. I laughed at the statement and prepped my helmet and uniform. "Tomorrow victory will belong to Humanity". "Not the Fur cunts"! I said. We all sat and said our prayers for all of our kind who have died and to give us strength to push through and win. We drank heavily before all dosing off.

~ Time Skip ~ Next Day ~

~ Johnathan POV ~

The next morning I woke up and immediately grabbed my gear and prepped for the coming bombing. After I strapped up and got my air force uniform on I headed to the deck of the ship. My squad was already there. General Patrick was giving his farewell speech "Listen up"!! "We have orders to bomb the nearby aircraft carriers and nearby bridge on the coast line". "We will start with the carriers and split their focus". "Once we have em on the run, we will bomb the nearby sanctuary". "We have fought hard and long against the Fur covered freaks for nearly a decade now". "And we will stomp out their hope". "And burn their kind to the fucking stake"!! "This war is far from over". "But we won't stop until their kind surrenders or we exterminate them all"!! "GLORY to the United Human Nations"!! A soldier shouts. "Good luck and God's speed soldiers". "Oorahh To ASHES"!! General Patrick shouts. "Oorahh"!!! the pilots shouts. Me and my squad all fist bump each other before heading to our Fighter Jets. I climb into my jet which I've named Hellhound. She was beautiful up close and deadly force in the air. While me and my squad prepared to take off, I looked at a small photo that I always kept inside my jet. It was of my family. Mom and Dad. "I miss you guys" I said almost tearing up. I then start to remember my childhood before the war. Family, friends, Anthro friends and neighbors. Peace, love, Harmony and equality. But I quickly resided from those memories. The furs wanted this war. They did this to us. There is no point in coexisting and peace. They shall know fear and genocide. I told myself this before I was interrupted by the sound of the other jets firing up their engines. It was go time. I start up my jet and slowly pull out onto the runway of the air craft carrier. After getting the all clear to take off, my squad and I all take off with the sound of sonic booms blasting. We formed up and set out on our mission. As above so below, today we will show the Fur Filth that they will know fear. The fear from above.......

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