Chapter 19: Mission #3

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Hey Lads, Before we begin, I just want to say thank you to all my followers and readers who took the time to read Shadow Pilot as we have now reached 11k+ Reads! Again Thank you all, your the best


~ Johnathan POV ~

The tense exchange from Cortana had already set me on edge. Now I was conflicted on what my relationship with her would be moving forward in all this mess. My thoughts became interrupted as I continued down the hall. "Whirlwind" I said in my head. Even though Chroma warned me not to tell her or let her find out, I need to tell her about that night. With each step I took as I walked, my mind flooded with the worst possible outcomes.

~ Few Minutes Later ~

I knocked on the door to Hellcat Squadron's barricks when Anon opened the door. "Oh hey Johnathan, came to stop by before your mission"? he asked. "Actually, I need to see Whirlwind, is she here"? I asked nervous. "Yeah she's in the back, did something happen"? he asked concerned. "No, I just need to speak to her about something, p-personal" I replied. Anon showed me in as I soon realized that the rest of the Squadron were probably out doing other things. I slightly knocked on the door to Whirlwind's room. "Yes"? I heard her voice on the other side and was hesitant to speak up. "It's Johnathan, can we talk"? I announced. There was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps coming to the door. Soon it opened. "Oh hi Johnathan, is there something you need me for"? she asked with a hint of brightness. "N-no, it's actually something important". "Something you should know the truth about" I sternly told her. Her expression went from happy to now serious. "Um Anon, can you step outside for a little bit"? I said. "Sure, of course" he spoke with concern all over his face. As soon as he left, I sat down on the couch as Whirlwind sat next to me. "Is there something bothering you"? "Please tell me" she asked. Concern was all over her face. *Sign* "Do you remember the bombing of the northern European outpost"? I asked. All the blood drained from her face as her eyes widened. "The base was attacked by a UHN B-7X9 bomber". "Not from a drone strike like the original report detailed" I said. "th-they said in the report it w-was an airstrike"? she blurred out. "No, it was a bomber". "They made a mistake in that report" I clarified. Whirlwind seems numb at the sudden realization. But she then asked me the question I was dreading the moment I asked to talk with her. "H-how do you know this"? I took a long pause. I knew she would react the same way Cortana did. But I was not going to lie to her. Not now. She deserved answers. I looked at her directly in the eyes "Be-because tha-t bomber that attacked you w-was m-me" I stuttered. Her expression went from shocked to now visibly upset and angry. Her fur tensed and raised. And her eyes glared at me. "You-you, how could you" she said with a mixture of shock and anger. "I did it because, because, I was angered by the words of the president". "When he said he believed our races could still reconcile and come together". "In my anger, my commander took notice and believed I was the one who should be tasked with the mission" I explained. "Leave" Whirlwind finally spoke up. "Wh-whirl- "Get Out"! she hissed. "I trusted you, I forgave you". "You should've told me before". "But instead, you kept that from me". "You really are a monster" she said. That last comment hit me like a bullet. It almost felt as if my heart was shattered. I left the room slightly closing the door behind me. "Are you okay"? Anon asked concern all over his face. "I'm fine, just give her some space" I timidly expressed. I walked away from the barricks and back towards the briefing room. I had to quickly follow up with Cortana on our current strategy for the mission before it was set in motion. "I'm sorry Whirlwind" was all I could say.

~ General Cortana POV ~

Why, why the hell did I react that way. "You fucking idiot". "Now, he probably thinks I hate him". I dug my claws into my head as my face sat in my hands. "Please Johnathan, forgive me" I whimpered. The sound of footsteps entering the room forced me to choke back the urge to cry. I looked over to see Johnathan in the doorway. He however looked nervous to be here. "John-Johnathan" I managed to blurt out. "Ma'am I'm here just to clarify our strategy for the mission" he said with hesitation. I nodded my head and calmly called him over to the board. We both went over the priorities of the mission and what objectives members of the squadron would take. We ended with a clear understanding. As Johnathan saluted me, he turned to quickly leave. I was going to call out to him but I stopped. I didn't want his heart to bear anymore scars so I kept my mouth shut as I watched him leave.

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