Chapter 14: Make Things Right

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Midnight ~

I woke up in the middle of the night for some odd reason. I didn't feel tired and I just couldn't fall back asleep. Because of this, I decided maybe I could go to the gym room to weight lift. Since nobody would be in the gym at this time, it would be good time for some piece and quiet. After putting on my pilot uniform, pants, helmet I walked out of my room towards the gym. At this time of night the base is usually pretty quiet with just a few midnight patrols moving by every 15 minutes.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Gym Room ~

I made it to the gym room after a few minutes. As I expected, it was completely empty. I took a deep breath before making my way over to the weight lifting area. There were many different weights to choose from. I'm not super tall or weigh a whole lot. But I am muscular even for a skinny 127 pound human. Anyway, once I picked up the right amount of weights, I applied them to the rod. I took off my uniform plus undershirt before laying down on the back rest of the bench. I began to lift doing 7 sets of 15 lifts. Once I was finished, a since of accomplishment seemed to take over my thoughts. I took a sip of whiskey that I brought with me from my fridge. I put the bottle back down on the ground before standing up. Once I removed the weights I had previously applied to the rod, I thought maybe I could bring it up a notch. Eventually, I managed to apply the final weight. Now there was a total of 300 pounds. This is gonna be interesting. With that, I sat down taking another sip of whiskey. Finally it was time to lift. I laid back down before grabbing the steel rod. I managed to fully lift the rod off the hinges. The weight was heavy and it was almost impossible to lift. Somehow, just barely, I just managed to lift a single set of 5 before using what was left of my strength to level the steel rod with the bench hinges. My hands dropped down to both my sides. I panted heavily as sweat was now dripping from my face and chest. After catching my breath, my muscles began to loosen up. This made it easier to move my body after it has stiffened. Finally, I grabbed the whiskey bottle next to me. I drank the entire thing right then and there. That bottle was about 4 liters. Even though I'm 18, I had a high alcohol tolerance at the time. Why you ask? Because in the 56st UHN infantry, many soldiers even younger ones would drink to celebrate victories and just when we felt like it. There wasn't really any age limits let alone prohibitions especially since this was war. Rules were for fools at that time. Even though it was a Fur branded whiskey, it still tasted like the same ones back at home. Anyway, after consuming the entire bottle, I began to get tired. I was already exhausted from weight lifting so I couldn't stay awake. And with that, I passed out.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Few Hours Later ~

I was awoken by the tap of someone's fingers on my forehead. My eyes slowly opened up. At first, my vision was a little blurry from the overhead gym lights. But then, they cleared and I was now fully aware. I looked over to where I felt the tapping and was met with a female Fur. I didn't recognize her at first, but after slowly examining her closely, I realized who it was. It was the medical specialist that joined us for workout training. She was looking down at me with concern all over her face. "Huh, d-do you n-eed something"? I asked with a groan. "Hot damm, have you been drinking" she asked while covering her nose. "N-no, I sw-swear" I muttered. "Then, explain this" she said. Her voice sounded very upset. She held out the 4 liter bottle in front of her face. "Ahh shit" I said. "HOW OLD ARE YOU"?! "DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME"! she asked yelling. "Um, I-I, uh I'm 18" I groaned and muttered out. Her eyes went wide. "That's it, I'm taking you to the medical center" she said. "No, pl-ease I'm fine" I muffled protesting. "I don't care". "Your coming with me and that's final" she angrily objected. She picked me up and slumped me over her shoulders. Jesus, she was strong. Even for her height which was roughly mine of 5'8. With me slumped over, she carried me out the room. What I didn't notice until then, was she was wearing that same revealing outfit from early that day. I however completely blacked out after that, again.

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