Chapter 24: Mission #5

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Before we begin, I just want to say Thank You all for the amazing support and the much appreciated feedback you've given towards this story. We have finally reached 20k Reads and the positive response has really motivated me. I would like to apologize for the wait as I've been busy with classes, tests, family situations and work hogging my time to write and upload. Not to mention my recovery from a fractured wrist. I'll try to stay on top of writing as much as possible and keep the story on the path to being complete. I hope this Chapter makes up for the lost time. Anyways, enjoy!


~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Dream ~ Midnight ~

"Hey son, can you hear me"? a voice called out. "D-dad"? "Is that you"? I asked. "Of course son". "It's your old man" he joked. I smiled and hugged him. "I miss you". "You and mom" I said trying not to cry. "I know, I know" he responded. "Dad, about all that has happened, could you ever forgive me"? I asked. He only smiled. "Of course son, I do forgive you". "But I love you and always will". "I know they made you do bad things". "But you aren't a bad person". "You'll always be my son". "Always John" he said. He wiped the tears away from my face with his thumb and smiled. "Thanks dad" I replied. "I'll be watching you tomorrow". "Go make me and your mom proud" he smiled. "I will, I won't let you down" I replied. "Dad, before you go, can I ask you something"? I asked. "Anything son" he responded. "It's about my friends, my well, female friends" I signed. "You mean your girlfriends"? he asked, eyebrow raised. "Yes" I grunted. "I like them". "All of them". "Cortana, Aayla, Ripley, Herma and Amanda". "I-i, well I, I love them". "But I'm not the same as them". "And I feel I could never be a good person to them" I said. "Hey, it shouldn't matter if you're different or not the same as them". "We may be different on the outside, but we are all the same color and element on the inside". "Love isn't about appearance, it's about the joy, the passion and happiness it brings people". "You're a good person John". "The girls feel the same way". "That's why they care about you". "There will be days you are good to them and might be some you aren't". "Sometimes, things just happen". "But along the way, they make us stronger". "There might be ups and downs along the way, but sometimes they happen because it shows us just how much we love one another" my dad explained. "Your mother and I weren't always on the best of terms". "There were times we fought, said things behind each other's backs". "But in the end, it's what made us stronger". "And then, you came into the world". "You are what kept us together, kept us strong". "Remember, you make your own choices, your own decisions". "But I know you'll do it in a way that'll make us and them proud" he said. "Y-yeah, you're right". "Thanks Dad" I smiled. "Anytime bud, anytime" he replied smiling. "But I have to say, I'm quite surprised you managed to get 5 Anthro girls all to yourself, especially since you slept with 2 of them already" he smirked. "WAIT, you know about that"?! I asked puzzled and shocked. "Actually, your mother saw you and told me". "She wouldn't stop going on about oh my little boy finally lost his virginity" he mocked. "Ugh, Jesus" I said annoyed. He chuckled. "It's alright son, i've been there too" he snickered. "Cya kiddo" he added. "Cya dad" I said a little sad as I watched him fade away.

~ Dream Over ~

I woke up, staring up at the ceiling. It was still dark as I checked my alarm. It was 3 AM. I had slept a while but still had like 4 hours till it was time to get up. I wasn't sure what to do but I wasn't planning on going back to sleep. That was for sure. A sudden thought crossed over me. There was someone I should... No, someone I needed to see. Someone I promised I would see again. There was still that doubt and lingering sadness inside me. But it was something I felt I should do. I slumped over from the couch and sat up rubbing my eyes. I went off to my bedroom to fetch my uniform and boots. Once I was dressed I walked over to the door using the peak hole to see if anyone was outside. When the coast was clear, I opened the door and walked out into the hallway. I silently closed it behind me as I walked off to my destination.

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