Chapter 20: Past And Present

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~ Few Days Later ~

~ General Cortana POV ~

Its been a few days since the mission by Fanged Legion and Johnathan. The mission reports came back with pleasant results. With the UHN'S satellite base destroyed, their plans to break our defenses have been shattered. Now, they are gridlocked. As for the F.U.N, we were able to send a large operation into the region to capture Moldova and it's capital. This will keep the UHN at bay until we figure out our next move. As I finished reading the report, I still couldn't help but read over the letter that was left on my desk again. It was from Johnathan as it had his signatures on it. In the report he detailed everything that occurred leading up to the bombing of the F.U.N Pacific Coast Naval Army base and convoy. Seeing the remorse in his writing, showed just how much regret and guilt he took upon himself. He has been fighting his entire young life. But I fear he may never truly heal from the war. The scars of war can change anyone especially a child. All I wanted was for him to have a better life, to fight for something of a greater purpose. But all I did in those moments was reopen the wounds I wanted to heal. I let my anger get to me. And now, he must believe that the others hate him. That I hate him. I face palmed myself. Suddenly, a slight knock on my door caused me to jerk my head a little. A little frustrated, I answered by telling the person to enter. I saw Corporal April Quinn entering the room. "Please have a seat" I told her. She did as instructed sitting down across from me. "It's about Johnathan isn't it"? I asked. She nodded her head. "Are you sure you want to do this"? "I'm worried how he will react" I said with some concern. "Yes ma'am, I'm sure". "I can't keep this from him" she replied. I signed deeply before getting up. "Alright, lets go" I told her. We left the office making our way to Johnathan's barricks. As we did, my heart only became more anxious.

~ Johnathan POV ~

I laid there on my back staring up at the ceiling in bed. The guilt still lingering inside me. The past few days haven't been easy. But I've done the best I could to stay hopeful. I soon sat up pulling the covers off me. I swung to the side getting up. I soon brushed my teeth, took a cold shower, got my uniform on and took a deep breath. As I grabbed the door knob to turn it, a sudden knock came from the other side. Opening up the door, appearing on the other side of it was Cortana. Her and another soldier who I quickly recognized as April. We just stood there looking at each other not saying anything. The expression of unsureness washed over me. "Can we come it"? she asked. I nodded my head without speaking stepping to the side. Cortana and April walked in as I closed the door behind them. "April, can you give us a few minutes"? she asked politely. "Yes ma'am" April replied. Once April went to the back room of my living space, Cortana turned back to me. "Johnathan, can you look at me"? she asked. I looked up towards the General's face until I looked her directly in the eyes. "John, Im sorry" she then spoke. "I should've never said those things to you". "All i've ever wanted was to give you a better life, a better purpose". "But I let my anger nearly fuck it all up". "I care about you Johnathan". "Just like the others, I care about you". "The last thing I ever want is to drive you away" she spoke. Nearly on the verge of tears, Cortana looked at me again. "You probably hate me now, do you" she said. Those words hurt me. No, I didn't hate her. But she thought I did. Words can't describe what came over me. But the only thing I could do was to show her I still cared. Unaware of how she would react, I wrapped my arms around her muscular stomach burying my head into her chest. "I don't hate you" I whispered. "Thank you Cortana" I added. I could feel her warm embrace as she hugged me back. Once we separated, April came out from the back room. She and Cortana gave each other a look before turning to me. "Is there something wrong"? I asked confused. "No, it's just that....." "This is a matter April needed to discuss with you personally". "I came here not only to apologize but to reunite you two" Cortana explained. I was left completely confused by her remarks. "I'll leave you two alone" she remarked before leaving. After Cortana left my living space, I was left alone with April. There was an awkward silence between the two of us as we just stared at each other. "April, what's going on"? I asked snapping out of it. April couldn't look at me. Her gaze remained fixed on the floor. I knew something was bothering her. And she came to me for a reason. But I didn't know what. Slowly standing up, I walked over to the couch sitting next to her. "Hey, if something is wrong, you can tell me". "I promise" I said to comfort her. She started to sniffle a little as her purple eyes stared to softly tear up. "It's about your parents" she whimpered out. I sat there, cold and in shock at what she said. "What are talking about"? "What do you know about my parents"? I asked shocked and conflicted. "After all this time, I thought I lost you". "I never stopped looking for you". "I should've never let you jump" she cried. I was still confused unable to process what she was saying. "April, what are you saying"? I asked. She sniffled a little. "Do you remember the panther who tried to save you on the bridge"? Her question like the switch of a light bulb finally struck me. It all made sense. "Wait, You, you......" I stuttered. "When your parents died, you were scared, alone" she said. "I.... I can't believe this" I spoke emotional. "How, how could-" I stopped. "When I tried to help you, you were scared of us, of me" she whimpered. "You tried to help me off the ledge". "But then I jumped and I was...." I stumbled. "Gone, I looked everywhere for you" she said with tears. "Oh my god, April...." I spoke on the verge of crying. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her as she did the same. I cried in her arms as we held each other for a long time. "H-how did you know"? I asked while still hugging her. "When I met you in the cafeteria with Ashley, Rook and Millie I knew it was you. "I never forgot you" April whimpered into my shoulder. "I-i, I'm....". "I'm s-sorry". "I'm sorry April". "For all of it". I cried softly. April continued to hold me in her arms as I cried. "It wasn't your fault". "You didn't know" she whispered to me.

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