Chapter 2: Hell Fire From Above

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~ ??? POV ~

~ Somewhere Else ~

"Men I regret to inform you all that the humans are coming". "And they aren't packing lightly". "We must hold our positions and protect the fleet at all cost". The general said this while we all looked at each other nervously. "General, permission to speak freely"? "Granted". "General, the humans and their fleet are nearly 2 miles out". "Why can we not take the fight to them"? The general paused for a moment. "Even if we had the ability to take the fight to them, we wouldn't last long". "Our fighters can't withstand the Humans' anti air craft defenses". "Our planes have lower advantages and won't last". "Along with the fact our pilots don't stand much of a chance against Night Raven Squadron". There was a moment of shock and silence. "Are you saying t-that-". "Yes soldier, the notorious fighter jet squadron are also with the approaching human naval fleet". "We must hold off the enemy as long as possible while the nearby refugee camps and sanctuaries are evacuated". Another soldiers rasies their hand. "General, how many civilians are at the refugee camps"? The general was hesitant to answer before calmly replying. "20,000 son". "That camp is one of the last refugee camps we have in the Pacific". "With the Humans already in possession of Africa, they have a higher chance of taking Europe". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The No-furs have destroyed almost all our refugee camps. Killing Anthro women and children and new borns without any remorse or any regards for life. Just then, the emergency alarms sounded. "The Humans are here"!!! "Everyone get to those guns and boats". We all scramble to the aircraft carrier guns. Just as we are finished preparing for the attack, we get visual sights on the approaching human naval fleet.

~ Jonathan POV ~

We have the Furs in our sights. The alarm sounds and all the fighter jets take position on the carrier. With the final sound of the horn we all start our engines and take off into the sky

 With the final sound of the horn we all start our engines and take off into the sky

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"Alright boys, Talon and Matthew will distract the Fur F*ggot pilots". "Terrance, Mike and I will lead the charge and clear the missiles". "Now let's get this done yeah"?! "YUP YUP"!! We pushed towards the nearby Fur battle ships as their carriers began to fire on sight. Our team dodged hails of bullets and explosive rounds left and right. "Knight Raven 1, clear hot". "Knight Raven 4, clear hot". "Knight Raven 3, clear hot". We all readied and cleared away at the main battle ship. Within minutes it was reduced to a blazing inferno

 Within minutes it was reduced to a blazing inferno

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