Character & Military Bios So Far (NOT A CHAPTER)

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~ The Song Is Johnathan's Main Character & Theme Song

~ Now On With The Bios and Backgrounds ~

~ Now On With The Bios and Backgrounds ~

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Johnathan or (Y/N)

Age: 18

Species: Human Male

Nationality: American

Military: United Human Nations Naval Operations Pilot & Leader Of Knight Raven Squadron

Military: United Human Nations Naval Operations Pilot & Leader Of Knight Raven Squadron

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Advanced Military VF-1 Valkyrie Fighter

Johnathan came from a human family and had a normal steady childhood life. He played hockey, went to school, had Anthro and Human friends, spent time playing games and doing airsoft, helping neighbors and just being a kid. His family mostly worked as normal office workers and had good promotions. When they weren't office business associates, they were Anthro freedom and rights activists who organized rallies in support for Anthros. Their goal, to demand the government help pass laws giving Anthros more freedom, rights, money, equality. However, as tensions between Human governments and Anthro commonwealths rose and eventually boiled over, his family and himself were forced to leave their home and evacuate as the war just officially began. He had to leave and walk away from his friends, other family and neighbors as they fled Santa Fe, New Mexico. Johnathan's family and himself were caught in a crossfire between Human national guard soldiers and Anthro resistance/militia fighters. When the bombs and gunfire stopped, his parents were killed and he was left alone and scared. Believing that the Anthro soldiers who tried to help him would kill him, he jumped from the overpass and into a rushing water. He was picked up in the New Mexico desert by Human soldiers and was brought it. He was then adopted by his military army commander Allen Rodriguez and became a member of the United Human Nations 56th Shadow Reaper Special Forces. He served 2 years before becoming a naval aviations cadet. He served 9 months of training before becoming a fighter pilot tasked with bombing Anthro fleets, convoys, strongholds, sanctuary/refugee camps and fighting Anthro military forces. His tactics were brutal and it earned him the name Knight Raven. Very soon, he became a menace on the battlefield terrifying the toughest Anthro soldiers and government officials alike. He soon recruited other pilots and formed his own squadron. He trained and became good friends with Mike, Talon, Matthew and Terrance. They all soon joined Knight Raven Squadron and with their combined strength brought death and devastation to the Anthro forces.

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