Chapter 15: Mission #2

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Dream & Flashback ~

"Welcome you Fur covered fucks". "Say hello to your new home". "Arbitrator Concentration Camp" a UHN commander says to Fur prisoners. "W-who are you"? a child Fur asked. "Oh please forgive me child, where are my manners as a grown person". "I'm commander Takron Galtos and you are my permanent guest". "You will be treated, accordingly". "Wh-wha-t are yo-u going to do to us"? a female Fur asked trembling. The commander chuckled at her question. "Oh nothing much". "So let's get straight to the point". "You pieces of Fur covered shit are now prisoners of war". "You will take orders from me and the other humans of this camp". "You will work from sunrise to sundown". "You will be given 1 meal and drink a day". "You do not speak unless you are spoken to". "One word of sass, and i'll have your tongues cut clean out". "If we find you not working or refusing to follow orders, you will be sent off to the labs or the pits". "Lieutenant Callan, do you mind showing these mutant fucks what happens to them when they refuse to follow their orders" the commander said to a soldier. The soldier walked up to the group before removing a Fur's head from a military bag and dropping it in front of the prisoners. Some of them whimpered in fear at the sight. "Mommy, i'm scared" the Fur child said. "You ought to be, boy". "Take them off to the eastern walls" the commander ordered. "With that, a bunch of armored soldiers came to grab and move them from the courtyard. "But not this one" he abruptly spoke. He looked at a young female african wild dog Fur. "You boys take this one down to the showers and have some fun with her" he smirked. "No, no please"! "Please don't do this"! she begged as she was being dragged away. "STOP"!!! "LEAVE HER ALONE, PLEASE TAKE ME INSTEAD"!! "JUST LET MY LITTLE GIRL GO"!! a mother Fur cried out. The commander cocked his eyebrow looking at the mother wild dog. He knelt down in front of her. "You care about your daughter"? he asked "Y-es". "She's all I have". "I'm begging you" the mother said. The commander only laughed. "Care clouds judgement". "That is why you cannot win". "Take them both down to the showers" he ordered. The soldiers dragged the mother and her daughter away to the shower area as I watched. "Alright, everyone move now" a watch tower guard shouted. I then moved inside the prison towards the labor areas. Upon entering there were Furs of all ages being put to work. Some were forced to mine with tools. While others were tasked with carrying heavy equipment on their backs. They also were forced to work on assembly lines along with manufacturing. I watched as others were being beaten by human soldiers with weapons. "Look at you Fur freaks". "So weak, worthless, can't even fight back" a soldier taunted. I continued to watch as they beat the helpless Fur. This went on until they decided he had enough and left him there on the ground not moving. After a while, a few Furs came to take his lifeless body away as ordered. I continued on further into the prison. There I encountered several more brutal killings. "So, nobody knows who took rations from the supply storage". "Well then, I have no choice but to punish you all". "Failure to turn over this thief will result in a charge of failure to comply". "Turn yourself in, or everyone present shall face summary execution" the soldier spoke. Nobody could come forward still. "Well, this is going to be interesting" I said to myself with a smile. A soldier cocked his rifle before aiming it at a Fur's head shooting him dead in the face. He fell to the ground dead. "Still nobody knows". "Very well, kill them" the soldier spoke. All the soldiers prepared to open fire, but then 2 Furs stepped out of line. "Damm, it was just getting fun, I signed disappointed". The 2 Furs that stepped out of line were young. I could tell one of them was a teenager while the other was still a child. I began to feel almost sorry for them. But I snapped those thoughts out of my head. "Who gives a fuck about Fur children"? I thought to myself. I went back to watching their interaction as the soldier questioned the two. "Why did you steal from the rations supply"? he coldly demanded. The two Furs couldn't say anything. They just hung their heads out. "You don't say"? "That's okay, because you two are no longer needed". "And I have no use for thieves like you". "Off to the labs with you both" the soldier said. "No please"!! Their cries were ignored as the remaining soldiers dragged them away as they yelled and struggled. The remaining Furs were forced back to work while a few humans came to take the body away. I decided that was enough thrill for the day so I just left the prison area proceeding back to the courtyard. It was time to leave this place. Time to continue on. "I hope you Furs get what's coming to you". "You deserve it, all of it" I coldly said as I walked away into the unknown horizon that laid beyond the prison.

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