Chapter 21: A Day To Remember

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~ Johnathan POV ~

After watching 2 horror movies with Ripley and Amanda, we treaded off to bed at around 11:47 PM. However about 2 and half hours later, I was woken up with the sound of the kitchen faucet running. Upon waking, I noticed Ripley and Amanda both cuddled up on both my sides. I slightly leaned forward, looking to my right to see Herma getting a glass of water. I wasn't sure if she was still sick but I wanted to make sure she was okay. But just as I opened my mouth, Herma looked towards me before whispering. "Did I wake you" she whispered softly. "Kinda, but it's okay" I chuckled. "You feeling better" I whispered back. "Yeah, much, thanks" she replied. "I was gonna head down to the shooting range with Chelsea". "Wanna come" she asked. "At 2:25 in the morning"? "Why"? I asked confused. "The shooting range is open 24/7". "And besides, Chelsea asked if I could bring you along". "And didn't you promise her to 1 v 1 at the gun range or simulation room"? Herma added. I signed realizing the promise I made a while ago that I completely forgot about. "Fine, I'll come" I said. Putting on my shirt and pants, we both quietly left the room. Together we walked down the halls to the armory. The base was generally pretty quiet around this time of night with just a few midnight patrol guards monitoring the area. Herma and I waved at the guards on duty as we continued our walk. Eventually, after quite a few minutes, we reached the shooting range. "Heey bitch" a voice called out. I noticed Chelsea with a sniper over her shoulders. She also wore a soft smirk. "Hey girlfriend" Herma responded. "Glad ur feelin better" Chelsea said. "Oh hi Johnathan". "Glad you could make it too" she cooed. "Yeah, sure" I replied. "Wanna shoot some targets with us"? Herma asked. "Eh, why not"? I said. I walked into a small gun cabinet room where there was an arsenal of snipers and Armalite style rifles.

After scouring through the options, I set my sights on a Ruger Mini 14 sniper

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After scouring through the options, I set my sights on a Ruger Mini 14 sniper. Once my weapon was chosen, I walked out the room towards the weapon's stand to ammo up. Herma and Chelsea both suggested we use the outdoor training area so we could get a look at the midnight stars. I happily obliged. Now fully geared up, the three of us walked out the room and onto the dirt ground. "Man, the moon is really beautiful" Chelsea said. "Sure is" Herma said. "Hey, John can I talk to you real quick"? Herma asked. "Sure thing" I replied. As she took me aside, we ended up against the wall next to the stalls. "I'm in heat" she whispered. "Uh, you're what"? I asked confused. "I'm in heat, Johnathan". "That's why I wasn't feeling well today" she spoke again. "Wait, so does that mean"? I asked hesitant. "Yes, it does" she said. "Then, is there anything I can do to help with your uh, problem"? I asked. Herma formed a lustful stare before nodding which gave me an answer. I put my hand around the back of her neck before pulling her closer into a kiss. Our lips locked with each other's. Herma's tail wagged a little as I could tell she was enjoying every second of the kiss. After about a few moments, we broke apart. "You okay"? I asked. "Y-yeah thanks" she replied. "I'm glad you enjoyed it" I said. "I didn't enjoy it, I loved it". "We can do more later if you're not nervous, virgin" she cooed. I got a cold tingle in my neck as I laughed nervous. "Eh heh, uh, how did you even know that"? I asked. Herma's eyes softened into a seductive look as she giggled. "Oh John, us female Anthros have our ways of smelling fresh meat" she said. "Me and the girls have been waiting a long time for this". "So don't think you'll be getting away from us" she slightly growled. I whinced a little by her sudden growl as it was unexpected. "So, are we clear on my little situation"? she asked. I nodded my head instantly. "Good" she grinned. "Come on, let's go shoot some targets" she said. Herma turned to walk back to Chelsea and in the process her tail brushed under my chin. "Welp, now I'm in some shit" I said to myself.

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