Chapter 7: Training

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up sleeping on my side and looking over at my night stand. I slept peacefully for the most part and the room seemed to remind me of my childhood bedroom before the war. I looked over to my military clock it was 1000 hours. I didn't have to start training til 1200 hours so I had another hour. I decided to go back to sleep and just sleep for almost another hour. When I woke up later I showered, got dressed, prepared my gear and walked out the room. I went down the hall to the general's room all while every Anthro Fur covered freak either looked with a death glare or called me either a murder or the typical monster. Word also seemed to spread about the incident in the cafeteria yesterday between me and that bitch Fur f*ggot snow leopard. So I knew it would be extra hostile. I however didn't care. I just wanted to get to this damm office, get briefed, eat, and go on about training these weak ass Fur pilots.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Few Minutes Later ~

I made it to the office of General Cortana. Upon entering both Aayla and the snow leopard bitch who I refuse to mention her name were there as well. Aayla was happy to see me. General Cortana wasn't entirely happy to see me but was thankful for the most part I was on time. As for that other snow leopard piece of shit, she let out a small and low growl. She also turned away from me which I didn't care much about anyway. "I'm here ma'am, I just want this to be quick" I said. "Alright, I'll get to the point". "I want you to train Hellcat Squadron on aerial maneuvers, self defense, survival training and help prepare them for their next mission". "And a quick heads up, you're going to be joining that mission as well" General Cortana said. "I'll happily go, but not if this one is also going" I said nodding my head towards the snow leopard shit face. She turned to look me dead in the eyes. She then stood up towering over me at her 6'5 height. "Do you have a problem with me"?! she said growling. I inched closer to her showing I wasn't intimidated by her appearance. "I actually do". "I don't trust that you won't shoot me out of the sky". "And not to mention, I'm sure you'll probably just run away scared when the dog fighting starts". She looked at me with serious anger. Her eyes were wide and starting to almost become bloodshot. "Whirlwind, calm down" Aayla said.

~ Whirlwind POV ~

This fucking bastard not only insulted me, but had the nerve to call me weak. "IM. NOT. FUCKING. WEAK" I said growling angrily. He stared at me and then smirked. "Alrighty sweet cheeks, we'll see" he said taunting me back. I slowly backed away from him while he kept that smirk on his punk smug face. I was so angry, I felt like I wanted to physically rip his ass up.

~ Johnathan POV ~

"Like I said, General". "I don't want her in the way let alone training with the squad because she isn't trustworthy considering her anger and most importantly her reputation for failure" I said. General Cortana seemed to become very agitated with my cocky and smart ass response. "Knight Raven, I honestly don't give a flying shit what you think". "She is your squadmate and most Importantly your ally now". "And I demand you treat her like one". I looked at the general with a raised eyebrow. "And why should I"? I asked. "Because you take orders from ME and you will follow that order whether you like it or not". "DO. I. MAKE. MYSELF. CLEAR"?! The general said Angrily. "Very well" i replied. With that I walked out of the office.

~ Aayla POV ~

I watched as he walked out and soon Whirlwind and I were both right behind him. We kept our distance from him as he kept looking back to shoot Whirlwind dirty disgusted looks. This made her even more angry. "I should've done more than beat his ass when he was in interrogation" she said. "How are you holding up"? I asked her. "I'm fine" she said slightly irritated. "You don't look fine". "Tell me what's bothering you" I said. We stopped walking and she began to tear up. "He doesn't care". "He killed Petra, killed those children, bombed my naval fleet, destroyed our convoy supplies we needed to get to our comrades on the frontlines". "Now he is here and working with us" she said tearing up. "He hates us". "Doesn't see that we are living creatures and beings like him". "Most of his kind are the same way". "They think we started this war, blamed us for attacks we never committed". "He hates me". She said this all and I felt nothing but sympathy. "Don't let his words get to you". "He is testing you and wants you to lash out". "But by doing so, you'll only prove to him and others we are the monsters they say we are" I said. She looked at me and nodded her head while we started walking again. "Anthros and Humans can change". "It only happens when we are ready to accept change" I said.

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