Chapter 23: A Raven In Trouble

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ 9 AM ~

I woke up with nothing more than a massive headache. The regret of drinking all that alcohol was now weighing on me. I was sleeping on a dark grey colored couch. My mind couldn't wrap my head around how I got there. All I knew was this wasn't my room. I slowly laid forward trying to collect myself while fighting off the painful headache. "Geez, the fuck happened" I grunted. As I finished laying forward, I felt a hand run down my back. I immediately froze up. Who the hell was in bed with me. Especially if I don't even know who's room this is. My head slowly turned to the left. Once I finished looking, I got the sight of something I wish I hadn't. Harper. Harper was laying next to me. She was in red and green panties with a white sports bra.


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Ignore the weights

But this is what she looks like right now

I could see her nipples as they pushed against her bra. I was laying there in awe of what I was seeing. Then, a sudden realization came over me. I wasn't wearing a shirt or pants. Absolutely NOTHING but my boxers. I froze. "Shit, shit, shit". "What the fuck happened"?! I mentally screamed. Just then, Harper opened her eyes. Our eyes met as she locked onto my expression. She then took one look at her chest, and with that she jolted off the couch. I did the same. "J-johnathan, what the hell is going on"?! she half yelled. "I was about to ask the same thing" I yelled back. Harper immediately covered herself with her arms. "Oh my god" she said shocked and embarrassed. "D-did, we....." she stuttered. "I DON'T KNOW". "I can't remember shit". "All I remember was helping you back to your room and then blacking out". "I swear I didn't do anything"! I said in a panic. "Oh my god, we slept together didn't we"?! she said panicking. "WAIT, I-i remember"! I said. "We, w-we cuddled on the couch". "Y-you wanted me to stay". "Then we started kissing". "We just went to sleep after". "I swear we didn't go any further" I said. Harper looked at me again trying to relieve herself. "Ar-are you sure"? "We didn't actually do it, right"? she asked. "No, no of course not". "I'm positive" I stated. She and I both let out a sigh of relief. "B, b-but h-how did we both end up in our underwear"? she asked. "I-i, I think we did it to get comfortable" I told her. "L, let me go to the bathroom" she frantically said. In an instant, she pushed passed me and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door. My heart was racing, if she and I actually slept together on her couch, this would set the rest of the girls completely off. Not only that, but I'm scared I might've hurt Harper. "What if I was rough, what if I was forceful". "Oh God, what if she told me to stop but I didn't and forced myself on her" my mind raced. Just then, she came out the bathroom. My eyes were wide. "Well, d-did we...." I paused. "No, no we didn't" she said relieved. "Harper, I'm-im so sorry". "Did, did I hurt you"? I whimper. Harper walked to me hugging me before resting her arms on my shoulders. "No, you didn't hurt me". "Why would you ever say that"? she asked. I looked her in the eyes, shuttering a little. "Oh my god, you thought you...." she paused with her ears down. "Johnathan" she hugged me tighter than ever. "I know you would never hurt me or anyone here". "Please don't ever say or think that again" she whimpered. "O-okay" half whispered. After a few moments, we both calmed down. An unexpected knock abruptly came from the door causing us to both flinch. "I'll get it" Harper said. As she opened the door, I saw it was Eddie and Phoenix. "Is Johnathan in here"? Eddie asked. "I'm here, what's wrong"? I answered. "Oh nothing, Aayla sent us to come and get you". "She said it was important" Phoenix explained. "Okay, lemme get dressed". "Give me like 4 minutes" I said.

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