Chapter 5: Captured & Alone

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~ Johnathan POV ~

I couldn't see anything but darkness. I slowly began to regain consciousness as I woke up. I found that I was in a cell. The room stretched a good solid 10-14 feet across. There were 2 beds but they didn't have pillows or covers. And they were chained to the wall so it was not like it was meant to be comfortable. I looked at the bottom of the bed to see a steel door with bars on the glass door window. I looked behind me to see a large window with steel bars also.

"Great" I said to myself. Now I'm a prisoner of war. I looked down to notice my fighter jet helmet was right next to the bed. And my pilot vest was strapped to the wall next to me. But I was lying on this uncomfortable wooden bed in only my army pants and boots while I was bare chest. Just then I heard a couple voices outside my cell. "Hey, I think he woke up". "Contact the general, and prep the No-fur for interrogation" I heard a voice say. Just then 2 Anthros came into my cell. They were both female. An Anthro lion and hyena. "Wakey, wakey you No-Fur fuck" the hyena said. "So here's how this is gonna work". "You're gonna get your ass up from that bed and come with us". "And if you so much as try anything or run, filling your punk ass up with hot lead will be the easiest shit we've got to do all week". I slowly got up from the bed. The two Anthros grabbed me and pushed me towards the door. I slowly walked to it before stopping. Then I heard a click as the lion cocked the gun and pointed it at the back of my head. "Nobody told you to stop". "Give me a reason not to blow your brains out" she said. I turned my head slightly to her. "Which way"? I asked. She pointed with the gun in her hand to the left and I proceeded to walk down the hall. As I walked down the hall, Furs everywhere I went stared at me. I could feel the anger, the hate, the rage, the glaring daggers radiating from them everywhere I went. "Not so tough without your fighter jet, are you"? a lizard fur said. I stopped and decided to give a cocky and smart ass taunt. "It appears you're kind isn't so tough since you're losing this damm war" I said back. That appeared to be a poor choice of words because the lizard delivered a right hook to my stomach. I dropped to the floor as I winced in pain. "I'm sorry, what was that" the lizard said. I didn't respond because the pain was holding me back. "Seems I must've been hearing things" the lizard said taunting. I then broke the silence again. "Nah, I think you're losing your hearing because your ears are too stuck up with shit". The lizard hissed angrily. The lion and hyena guards grabbed me and dragged me away as the lizard continued to give me a death stare. I was dragged for nearly 7 minutes until finally we arrived at a small room. The lion guard punched a 4 digit code into the door. I quickly glanced to see the code. 1174. With that, the guards dragged me into the room and threw me into a chair that was sitting at the table in the middle of the room. They gave me one last death glare before walking out the room. As I sat in the room waiting for whatever fate the Fur F*ggot filth had in store for me, I was beginning to feel as if I was alone. The same alone I felt when my family and friends where all taken from me. Just then I was interrupted by a tall tiger shark Anthro that walked in.

General Cortana

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General Cortana

Species: Anthro / Tiger Shark

Age: 30

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