Chapter 10: You Know Nothing

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up at around 4 AM in the morning European Time. I couldn't sleep a lot. I just couldn't get what the jackel wolf Fur told me. I couldn't sleep that much and worse of all was I had a dream that wasn't very pleasant. But I'm not getting into details just yet. Because I couldn't sleep, I decided to wake up early and just head to the cafeteria which I'm sure was just about serving breakfast food. I got up, showered, put on another fresh undershirt, socks and finally my pilot gear. Even though I was offered a new pilot uniform by the General, I refused to wear it. For wearing a Fur filth military uniform was a great show of dishonor to my kind and the United Human Nations. "God, I hate this place". "Why can't this war end already so I can go home and be with my old squad again"? I asked myself. Eventually I left my room and headed towards the cafeteria to go and sit for the morning until I was to go find Fanged Legion Squadron and help them with their tactical and ground unit training. After some walking I eventually made it to the cafeteria. As always many turned their heads to me as I just didn't pay em any mind. I went to get my morning grub from the serving station. Unfortunately, that Fur covered ass bear was once again serving. Just the looks of her made me want to just punch her in her face especially for the annoying shit she did yesterday. I pushed this thought out of my head however and just played casual. When I made it to her, she once again started to shake and shiver a little. She probably thought I was going to yell at her again or say something hurtful. But I decided to just do something I normally wouldn't ever do. "I'm sorry about yesterday". "I won't be so tough on you today". "Just please hurry and grab my food already" I said softly". Her eyes went wide and then softened into a normal happy look. Some Furs in line seemed to hear what I said and started looking wide eye and even whispering to each other. I got the food which was a croissant, apple, some cereal and a small but decent amount of milk. Luckily the cafeteria wasn't super full, so I went to sit at a table. As I sat down and began to eat, I noticed some Furs whispering while looking at me. This obviously annoyed me. So I just shot them annoyed glares and they quickly lowered their heads and began to shut up about whatever it was. As I went back to looking at my food, I noticed a few Fur fucks walk over to my table. They looked at me and at each other before sitting down. One sat next to me, while the other sat across from his comrade. A hateful fuse all of a sudden lit in my chest. I was disgusted by the fact these Fur f*ggots had the nerve to sit next to me. Their inferiority was nothing more but sheer weakness. I got up disgusted grabbing my tray and walking over to my usual spot, the corner of the cafeteria against the wall. The Furs seemed shocked by my disgusted expression. Their ears went flat as they went back to their food. I continued to eat my food before finally finishing and getting up. I slowly turned my head to look out the corner of my eye back towards the Furs. They still had those expressionless looks. "Weakness" I said before walking away. I walked out the cafeteria and off to Fanged Legion Squad's barracks.

~ Time Skip ~

~ 6 Minutes Later

After an annoying walk, I finally reached the squad's barracks. I knocked on the door and the dragon opened it. I didn't say anything, I just stepped inside. The whole squad was either preparing their gear or mostly getting ready. "H-hey, how ar-e you"? the jackel wolf hybrid girl asked. I just nodded my head to show I was fine. She didn't say much afterwards. I checked the weapons and gear they had and I honestly was impressed with how durable and tough it was. I could tell the husky boy was like a heavy gunner or juggernaut because he wore the heaviest and most armored suit i've seen so far. The others had standard military gear and armor which wasn't better but was a little more durable than the (UHN) United Human Nations. Once everyone had acquired their guns and gear, we headed towards the training area.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Arriving At The Training Area

~ 9 To 12 Minutes Later ~

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