Chapter 3: No Surrender

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~ ??? POV ~

~ Aftermath / Next Day ~

I woke up on the side of the shore inside my military speed boat. I woke up still with tears in my eyes. My friends, my brothers and sisters, the camp all dead. The ashes from the fire fall like embers. The boat and myself are covered in ash. I awoke and cried before walking into the wooded fields that surrounded the base.

~ Johnathan POV ~

I was woken up to the sound of my alarm going off. I woke up and quickly grabbed my helmet before moving to the showers. When I made it there I started my morning routine which was taking either cold or warm showers. After rincing off, I picked up my towel to dry off. Afterwards, I finished putting deodorant and body spray on and walked towards the main deck. I was greeted on the deck by the general. General Patrick told me to have a seat. "Son, I regret to inform you that your being transferred". I was taken aback by the sudden statement. "Sir, I don't understand" I said. The general explained that because of our victory and our forces slowly pushing inward on land, they needed a skillful pilot. "We have taken control of Africa and are slowly winning the fight in Europe". "The entire Anthro pacific division has spread out and now has moved to the European Mediterranean sea". "They no longer control the Pacific". "Because of this we now have the upper hand and now can control both the Atlantic and Pacific coast and seas without complications. "They have requested the most experienced and well trained fighters to the front lines of the battle for Europe". "When you're job is finished, you will be given the opportunity to transfer to a new division of our personal choice". "I can only hope you will come back to your brothers if you're given the chance". After the general laid out all the circumstances and what lead up to the sudden transfer, I no longer was concern but instead excited. I was dismissed and sent back to my private quarters where I delivered the news to my squad. They were all saddened but knew good soldiers followed orders. I hugged my squad and transferred leadership over to Talon. We saluted each other and hugged before I departed.

~ Time Skip ~

~ 20 Minutes Later ~

I made it to the top of the aircraft carrier. Other soldiers and fighter pilots were all there and greeted me with hugs, handshakes and cheers. When the time came, I was saluted by everyone before walking to my jet. Hellhound was up and ready to go. The rain shower was hitting the surface of the carrier hard. But I was embracing the water, I had no fear of heights or thunder. I climbed into my jet and started up the engines. The rain seemed to pick up but that didn't matter to me. It was time to take to the sky and off to the European Mediterranean.

I waited nearly 10 minutes before I was cleared to take off

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I waited nearly 10 minutes before I was cleared to take off. The general and other pilots stood and gave one final salute before I raised my fist as a show of victory. I was cleared and weapons hot. With that I started up my jet and slowly pulled into the carriers runways. When I was clear to go, I took off the runway and with that a loud sonic boom blasted and I was off. I looked back at the ship to see it firing into the air. "I'll be back guys" I said to myself. I flew off into the sky and made my way to my next destination.

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