Chapter 26: Loose Ends (Short)

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~ Somewhere in the Pacific ~

"And, how badly was Beast 1 hurt"? a voice asks. "He escaped with minor injuries". "One of his fighters were killed, the rest all suffered serious or grievous injuries". "Though, none were life threatening, as the report details" a second voice says. "This is an absolute outrage" a high ranking commander says gritting his teeth in a deep voice. "This is the second U.S.E.A naval vessel to come under attack by the Anthro nations" he shouts. "We need to put a stop to these attacks and recent losses on the ground and air before our enemy start breaking through our lines of defense and operations" a lieutenant speaks glaring around the room from his hologram video feed. Another general speaks. "We lost our ballistic missiles site, lost our Folkvanger and SLBM, now we've lost ground and one of our Naval battalions and key ships in the region"!! the General yells. "With the loss of our troops on the ground in Maresilla, we've been ordered to pull back our troops". "Now, the F.U.N control the key waterway and channel". "I grow tired, of this, incompetence" a second high ranking commander speaks. "Our forces are gridlocked and now losing ground, pushing us further back"!! "Our task was to crush the Anthro resistance in Europe and end this bloody fucking war permanently"!! "And yet, here we are, fighting these mutant parasites and resistance groups of our own kind" he tries to collect himself. "That is if the Anthros weren't getting outside help..." General Patrick speaks. Everyone on the call looks at him. "What do you mean Patrick"? the lieutenant looks with a glare. The General sighs and then switches the camera feed to recent combat footage sent in from the Beast Squadron's aircraft data recorder. "What is this..." one of the other generals speaks in a deep angry tone. "This is footage taken by Beast 1 during his squadron's mission and engagement with the unknown enemy fighter pilot". "As you see, the jet is no ordinary aircraft". "It is one of our elite VF-1 Valkyrie fighter planes" he explains. The entire call is silent. "How is that possible"!? another top senior official speaks in a deep growl. "We don't know". "But upon closer investigation and examination, we found that the jet's identification code were a match to the same one used by UHN Pacific Naval Operations Pilot Johnathan Javier Alcatraz" General Patrick speaks. The entire call falls silent again. The feed cuts to a photo of Johnathan.


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Johnathan's Official Character Art

"That's impossible". "General Atriox and Red Lion Air Force group declared him shot down and KIA 2 months prior". "The recon group sent to extract him found him gone and declared he was captured and taken by Anthro forces"! another high ranking official half spoke in a voice of disbelief and denial. "I'm afraid the report filed was inconsistent". "Alcatraz is alive" General Patrick states firmly. "General Patrick, if I may ask, you've worked with Johnathan for 6 years". "Do you really believe he would turn on the UHN and fight for the Anthro race"? the lieutenant asks in a calm voice. "No, I believe not". "Johnathan was only 8 years old when his parents were killed by Anthro soldiers on a New Mexico bridge overpass when they were engaged with US army troops". "He was found days later and brought into a military hospital and camp where he recovered". "His adoptive father Allen Rodrigues spoke highly of him". "A few months later, as the war between Humanity and Anthros was now globally at its peak, he was put into the UHN 56st Special Forces Infantry Regiment". "But due to an incident, he was taken out and sent to naval academy where he completed both his basic and advanced aircraft training" General Patrick explains in detail. "Johnathan over the years fought the Anthros and assisted in many victories including the Bombing of San Francisco". "But in all my years, I never once saw him speak in a positive light let alone manner about Anthros". "He hated them, wanted them all dead, wanted them to suffer". "So no, I don't believe he would turn on the UHN without cause" General Patrick went on further. "And if he is helping them, what do you propose we do"? the lieutenant asks. General Patrick's demeanor hardens and he is left silent for a few moments. "With the recent losses on the UHN's side in Europe, we must launcher a counter offensive". "Intelligence reports there are more F.U.N fighters arriving in Europe from unknown locations to reinforce their European borders and positions". "If we wish to win, we must attack from the west and push our way east". "We must severe their support, supplies and weaponry and once we have the ground, we will begin operations by sea and air". "Total Air Superiority is needed if we intend to win this war and end this conflict for good". "That is why my fleet has been working to resupply and provide the necessary resources for our U.S.E.A Allies in Europe" General Patrick talk. "And what about Alcatraz"? "This happened under your watch, General". "I hope you have a solution" a senior advisor spoke. "I believe I have the men to ensure that Alcatraz will not trouble our operations in Europe any further". "I just need your confirmation" he states. The entire call goes silent as the leaders all mute themselves and speak to one another. Patrick waits anxiously to hear what their decision will be. Finally, they all finish and the head leader of the UHN Air Force speaks. "We have accepted your proposal General, do what you must and rid us of this problem". "And make sure to have Alcatraz delt with effect immediately..." the leader says sternly. "Yes sir, I will begin mobilizing my men and fleet now" he says. The entire call ends as the leaders disconnect. When they do, the General rest his face in his hands. Conflicting and Concern on his face as he tries to think of what to do. Knowing Johnathan, he didn't want to do this. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how. But then, a thought comes to mind. A soldier inside the room walks over. "Sir, do you require anything"? the man asks. "Contact Knight Raven 2 and the rest of the squadron". "And get ahold on Commander Philip Graves and his Red Lion AC unit". "Tell them I need to speak with them immediately..." he says sternly. "Sir, yes sir" the soldier replies leaving. As he does, General Patrick glances down at the holographic screen with Johnathan's picture still there. "Where are you Johnathan" he says thinking.........

~ Hey Lads, Short chapter done, hope you enjoy and I'll see you later ~

~ I'll explain some stuff at the end of next chapter ~ Buh Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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