Chapter 12: Angels Stripped Of Wings

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Next Day ~

I was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on my door. I slowly got up with a groan considering I was a little hungover from all the soda caffeine I drank. I slowly made my way to the door to my private quarters. When I opened it, the General was standing there. But unfortunately for me, I only had on my boxer underwear. I could tell she wasn't happy with me about some shit judging by the expression on her face. "Knight Raven, i've been knocking on your door for the last fucking hour". "Your late for training duty, again" she said irritated. "Well in my defense, I had a little incident last night that forced me to overdose on caffeine" I said. Her left eyebrow raised before cocking itself as I told her this. "Whatever Johnathan, and even though I do kind of like what I see, put on some damm clothes alright"? she said annoyed. "Yes ma'am" was all I said in reply.

~ 10 Minutes ~

After getting ready for the day, I was ordered by the general to follow her to her main office. She told me to have a seat on where she briefed me. She explained how my mission yesterday was a major success. But now I had to increase my hours in training duty for both Fanged Legion and Hellcat Squadron. After nearly 25 minutes of explaining how the day was going to go, I was let out of the office. "About time" I muffled. I knew I had a busy day ahead of me. So I guess off to the cafeteria we go.

~ Few Minutes Later ~

I arrived at the cafeteria to pick up some food. It was almost lunch time so I decided to wait for them to switch from morning to noon service. Once they started serving lunch, I was the first to get in line. I grabbed a small fries, salad and lobster noodle soup before exiting. I went to sit in the corner up against the wall as that was my usual spot inside the cafeteria. Nobody bothered me, I had good space to stretch out and eat in peace. Unfortunately, my peaceful lunch meal would soon be interrupted. As I was eating minding my business, a familiar voice called out to me. "H-hey John". "I looked up to see Aayla standing over me. "What"? I asked slightly irritated. Especially with what happened yesterday. "Me and Herma's squad got a table so we wanted you to come sit with us all" she said. I just looked back down at my soup. "No thanks, i'm fine" I said unenergetic. "Johnathan, that wasn't a request, come sit with us" she said again. "No thanks, I'm happy right where I am" I said more irritated at her persistence. Aayla didn't take any of that too well. "Do you really have to be such a jerk that you won't even share a table with an Anthro" she asked. "Listen sweetheart, i'm still recovering from caffeine hangover because of the uncalled-for problem you caused yesterday" I responded. "Okay look, i'm sorry about what happened". "I-I just......" "I m-mad-e a bad decision". "I should've to-ld you" she said sympathetic. I let out an annoyed sign before looking back up at her. "Alright, I'll forgive you just don't do anything crazy like that again, got it"? Aayla nodded her head. With that, I got up and followed her over to the table. There we were joined by both Hellcat and Fanged Legion Squadron. Everyone turned their heads towards me with surprised looks. "What the hell are you all staring at"? I half yelled. A couple of them jerked a little by the sudden anger in my voice. "N-nothing, sorry" Anon said. "W-we were just a little surprised you would sit with us". "Considering, you wouldn't share a table with An-thros" Cassandra said. "Whatever, I just wanna fucking eat and get on with training your sorry asses for today" I replied. I sat down not making eye contact with any of them. There was an awkward silence at the table for a while. Until, Herma decided to ask me a question. "A-are yo-u feeling oka-y"? "You see-m very tense right now" Herma asked. "You could ask your friend over there why I'm in a bad mood" I spoke. Everyone just looked at Aayla as her face became cherry red. "Go ahead, tell them the truth". "Or, I will myself" I spoke. "I-I w-well..." "I sorta him yesterday and he's upset about it" she said. Everyone's eyes went wide. "Wait, you what"?! Herma shouted. "I said, I KISSED HIM OKAY"!!? Aayla responded shouting. Furs in the cafeteria started to stare at our table. "Knight Raven, is this true"? Amanda asked. "Yes, she literally stuck her tongue in my mouth" I replied. Herma and Amanda seemed to glare at Aayla while the others were all wide eye. I just went back to my food, finishing my noodles.

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